From the Mesh section of the action bar, click Surface Triangle Mesh
or Surface Quad Mesh
The corresponding surface mesh dialog box appears.
- Optional:
Enter a Name for the surface mesh.
In the
or in the
work area,
select the geometry to be meshed.
To mesh a subset of the geometry that you selected:
Click Refine Support
The Refine Support dialog box appears.
Select one or more faces.
The selected faces are excluded from the surface
meshing operation.
To mesh only the faces that you just selected and leave the
other faces from the original selection unmeshed, select
Complementary Mode.
Simplify Support dialog box closes.
Choose the
Element order.
- Select
mesh the geometry with linear triangle elements.
- Select
mesh the geometry with quadratic triangle elements.
- Select
mesh the geometry with linear quadrilateral elements.
- Select
to mesh the geometry
with quadratic quadrilateral elements.
Select Midside nodes on geometry to constrain midside
nodes of quadratic elements to the support.
Specify the
Mesh size and, for triangle meshes,
Absolute sag.
To initialize the size and sag values based on the overall support size, click
Initialize from geometry.
In the Mesh size box, enter a value for the
element size.
The following parameters are also updated when you edit the mesh size:
- Simplify geometry under is set to
0.1 * Mesh size for triangles or
0.5 * Mesh Size for
Minimal Length (element quality) is set
to 0.1 * Mesh size for triangles or
0.5 * Mesh Size for
Maximal Length (element quality) is set
to 2.0 * Mesh size.
For more information on these parameters, see the
geometry and quality sections in Mesh Parameters.
For surface triangle meshes, to specify a maximum gap between the mesh
and the geometry, select Absolute sag, and enter
a value.

To offset the mesh from the selected geometry, enter a value in
Offset box.
If the selected geometry includes thickness properties, they are
used to create the offset. You cannot edit the offset value in this case.
An arrow indicates the offset direction on the selected
geometry. The offset is based on a simplified representation of the surface
positioned at the offset location. The geometry is not changed by the offset
process, and changes to the offset surface mesh are associative with changes to
the underlying geometry.
- Optional:
Edit all parameters to edit advanced parameters or to
load parameters from a saved mesh rule.
See Editing or Loading Surface Mesh Parameters. For more information about meshing rules, see Creating and Modifying Meshing Rules.
To capture nodes and edges of elements from the neighboring meshes
to obtain a compatible mesh:
Automatic mesh capture.
Apply on box is activated to let you
select meshes to be captured.
Select the meshes to be captured either in the
3D area
or in the
Select the method of node capture for the captured faces.
Option |
Description |
Projection |
Project the nodes of the source
edge onto the target. |
Coincidence |
Superimpose the nodes of the
source edges and the target. The nodes are
duplicated, not shared, with the source and target
nodes in the same locations. |
Condensation |
Merge the nodes of the source
edges and the target. The nodes are shared and not
duplicated. |
In the
Tolerance box, enter a maximum distance to
capture nodes and edges of elements of the selected mesh parts.
To automatically project curves from nearby features, select
Automatic curve capture.
The curve projection tolerance is the same as the mesh
capture tolerance specified for the automatic mesh capture.
The edge nodes of the captured mesh and the surface rule mesh are
shared; they are not duplicated. The mesh capture is
performed dynamically on all constraints (free edges,
internal edges,...) and after all constraint modifications.
- Optional:
Add local specifications.
You can project points or curves for all surface meshes, or you can set a
local mesh size for surface triangle meshes. For detailed
instructions, see Adding Local Mesh Specifications.
- Optional:
To add constraints to geometry; to specify node, element, or face
configurations in local regions; or to manually remesh a local domain, click
To change the display parameters applied when entering the Surface Mesher, click ... and choose one or more options.
The Surface Mesher opens. This mesher contains actions to:
Specify your
Editing Options:
Option | Description |
Reframe on |
Reframes the 3D view on the edited mesh part. |
Show only mesh part being edited |
Displays the edited mesh part and hides the remaining mesh parts
contained in the same FEM representation. |
Switch to mesh quality
visualization |
Displays the meshed domains with colors assigned from the FEM
representation quality criteria. |
Do not prompt in the future |
Changes your Preferences so that this dialog box does not open in the future. Note:
You can
elect to show the prompt again by changing the preferences for
confirmation warnings. For more information, see
To exit the Surface Mesher and return to the Advanced Meshing
app, click Exit
in the standard area of the action bar.
Exiting the Surface Mesher also closes the surface triangle or
surface quad mesh dialog box.
If you are still in the surface triangle or surface quad mesh
dialog box, click one of the following:
If you click
OK or
Mesh, the mesh specification is created and appears in