Visualizing Domains

You can use domain visualization to view domains that are unmeshed or domains whose mesh contains poor or bad quality elements.

Before you begin: Open the Surface Mesher.
See Also
Creating and Editing Surface Meshes
Meshing and Removing a Mesh
  1. From the Display section of the action bar, click Domain Visualization .
    The Domain Visualization dialog box appears.
  2. Select a Visualization mode:

    • Show all domains.
    • Show all unmeshed (bad quality) domains only.

      Note: The description matches the Domains to view selection below.

    • Show current domain only.

    The selected domains are displayed in the model view.
  3. Select the Domains to view.
    • Unmeshed to display domains with no mesh.
    • Bad quality to display domains that contain a mesh with poor or bad quality elements; bad quality elements are colored red, and poor quality elements are colored yellow.
      Note: Element quality is determined by the active mesh quality criteria. Bad quality elements exceed an Error limit for at least one criterion; poor quality elements exceed a Warning limit but do not the reach the Error limit.
    • Interference to display domains that include interference between the mesh and the geometry.

      Interference is defined in Checking Interferences. Use the field provided to set a clearance distance for use with domain visualization.

    • User selection to check selected domains instead of the entire model.
  4. Optional: Change the Neighbor layers number to include domains adjacent to those found by the Domains to view selection.

    Including one layer shows domains that are directly adjacent; including two layers adds domains adjacent to the first adjacent layer, and so forth.

    This option is not available unless multiple domains exist and has no affect if the visualization mode is Show all domains.

  5. Optional: Toggle on Show geometry on domains to include a color overlay of the geometry along with the mesh.
  6. Toggle on Autofocus to focus—or zoom in on—the current domain selection.

    • If there is no domain currently highlighted for the selected Visualization mode, the first domain that is detected receives focus and becomes the current domain.
    • If a domain is currently highlighted, this domain receives focus.

    Use the arrow buttons to highlight and switch focus between the domains in the current display set.

    Click the list icon to display a list of the domains that meet the current selection criteria. You can also export the list.

  7. Click Close to close the dialog box and to return to the normal model view.