Customizing Streamline Display

You can customize the color, thickness, and arrows in the streamline display. In addition, you can display streamlines for the entire model or for the selected display groups only.

See Also
About Streamlines and Streams
Defining Streams
  1. From the Plots section of the action bar, click Create Streams .
    The Streamlines dialog box appears.
  2. Specify the color of the streamlines:
    Uniform Displays every streamline in the plot with the same color, and this color is uniform for the whole length of each streamline. If you select this option, you can click the color sample and select a new color from the options that appear.
    Color Displays each streamline with a different color along its entire length. The color coding is specified according to a predefined set of colors that cannot be customized.
    Contours from plot Displays streamlines with a changing color that indicates the value of the plotted variable at locations along the streamline path.
  3. Specify the streamline Thickness.
    Your thickness selection is applied to all of the streamlines in the display.
  4. Customize the display of Arrows on the streamlines that denote the flow direction.
    None No arrows are displayed along the streamlines.
    Auto-spaced Arrows are displayed along each streamline at an automatically calculated interval.
    Specify Arrows are displayed along each streamline at a spacing interval that you specify.
  5. Select Conform to display group selection if you want to restrict streamlines display to the current display group selections. Clearing this option enables you to display streamlines without considering any display groups.