Customizing the Display of Plots with Envelope Data
You can display contour, isocontour, and symbol plots using only data from a predefined envelope (range of values).
Before you begin: You must have created envelope data.
For contour and isocontour plots, envelope data is available only for the Element type variable. For symbol plots, envelope data is available for both Element and Node type variables.
Do one of the following to display the Plot Options:
Click the results plot, and select the plot options tool in the context toolbar.
Double-click the results plot.
In the Results tabbed page of the Feature Manager, display the Plots list and then either double-click the plot you want to modify or highlight the plot and select Edit.
Click the Definition tab to specify the Envelope data.
Select a Template.
Select the desired Envelope you created previously.
Select an output Variable.
Select a Display option to control how to represent data in the legend:
Use a range of numerical values.
Use active step information. Individual steps are displayed in the legend.
Use frame information. Individual frames are displayed in the legend.
Use ply information. Individual plies are displayed in the legend.
Section point
Use a normalized value (0 to 1) representing the overall depth of the section point.
Combine step and frame options. Frames of the selected steps are displayed in
the legend.
The legend for plots that use labels (color code and most envelope data) instead of value ranges is not displayed when the number of labels exceeds the legend options setting (default=20). You can change the options for an individual plot, if desired.
Select one of the following Render values at options to determine where and how values are displayed on the mesh:
Determine values at the node of each element. Values are averaged across elements, resulting in smooth color gradations.
Determine a single value for each element. Values are not averaged across elements, resulting in a quilt type display.
Element face
Determine a single value for each element face. Values are not averaged across element edges, resulting in a quilt type display.