Rechecksum Business Object or Business Object List

The Rechecksum Businessobject command is used to calculate the checksums for all files owned by a business object.

This page discusses:


Typically, this command is used on migrated files. This method of creating checksums for files that were migrated and not individually checked in (and thus did not have a checksum created at checkin) assumes the files are not already corrupted. You might find it helpful to run the validate command first. For more information, see Validate Store.

The rechecksum command applies only when checksum has been turned on at the store level. For more information, see Add Store Command.

The syntax is:

rechecksum businessobject OBJECTID;

  • OBJECTID is the OID or Type Name Revision of the business object.

    The keyword businessobject can be shortened to bus.

    The Rechecksum Businessobjectlist command is used to create checksums for files associated with a list of business objects. The syntax is:

    rechecksum businessobjectlist BUS_OBJECT_COLLECTION_SPEC [continue] [commit N];

        | set NAME                                                 |
        | query NAME                                               |
        | temp set BO_NAME{,BO_NAME}                               |
        | temp query [TEMP_QUERY_ITEM {TEMP_QUERY_ITEM}]           |
        | expand [EXPAND_ITEM {EXPAND_ITEM}]                       |

    You can also use these specifications in Boolean combinations.

    The keyword businessobjectlist can be shortened to buslist.

Continue Clause

Include the keyword continue if you do not want the command to stop if an error occurs. If the log file is enabled, failures are listed in the file. For more information see trace Command. For example:

rechecksum businessobjectlist set MyAssemblies continue;

If an error occurs when using the continue clause, the existing transaction is rolled back, so any database updates that it contained are not committed. The command starts again with the next business object. For this reason, when using the continue clause you should also include the commit clause, described below.

Commit N Clause

Include the Commit N Clause when creating checksums for large business object lists. The number N that follows specifies that the command should commit the database transaction after this many objects have had checksums created for them. The default is 10. For example:

rechecksum buslist set MyAssemblies continue commit 20;