User Level
Business Administrator
User LevelBusiness Administrator SyntaxSet ContextContext is controlled with the Set Context command which identifies a user by specifying the person name and vault.
The Set Context clauses provide more information about the context you are setting. They are:
The Person clause can be replaced with the User clause. In both cases a defined person must be entered. A group or role is not allowed.
Using the A context role remains valid only for the session for which it was set. Within a session a context role can be changed anytime by setting a new context. When resetting a context, if the user specifies a role that does not exist, then the previous context and role are retained. For example, suppose only users with the PRODesigner role have access to project PRO objects and only users with CIMDesigner role have access to the project CIM objects. User Ted initially starts a session with the role PRODesigner to access the PRO project.
Now, if he wants to access the project CIM, he can reset his context and login using the CIMDesigner role.
How you set the context varies based on whether the person definition includes a Password, No Password, or Disable Password clause. For more information, seeWorking with User Context. Push Context
Pop Context