SyntaxThe ability to deny or revoke access is another option for controlling access. Revoking access in an allstate access definition is different from the other ways access is revoked in that it is evaluated by the system as denying access rather than related to granting access. The system first evaluates if access has been revoked prior to evaluating if access has been granted. No access is revoked by default. Revoke access must be explicitly defined. To define allstate access rules for a policy:
To define a policy Software Maintenance with only read access to public on all states, use the following command: add policy “Software Maintenance” allstate public read; In this example, public has read and show access but does NOT have modify access if attribute[attribute1] != value1: policy policy1 description state allstate revoke public modify filter attribute[attribute1] == value1 public read,show filter attribute[attribute1] == value1 owner none Additional examples of usage: add policy simple-u type all sequence "0-9,A-Z" format f store captured-u allstate public checkin user Designer modify filter "organization == US" state one owner all public read,show user Designer read,show state final owner all public read,show; print policy simple-u select allstate allstate.*; allstate = TRUE allstate.publicaccess = checkin allstate.owneraccess = all // default if not specified allstate.access[Designer] = modify allstate.filter[Designer] = organization == US modify policy simple-u allstate remove user Designer all; print policy simple-u select allstate allstate.*; allstate = TRUE allstate.publicaccess = checkin allstate.owneraccess = all
Filter expressions of the form