STATE_NAME is the name of the state you are defining. All
states must have a named assigned. This name must be unique within the policy
and should have meaning for both you and the user. For more information, see
About Administrative Object Names.
For a list of STATE_ITEMs , see Add Policy Syntax
For example, assume you have a process for performing and evaluating lab tests. The
first state might involve receiving the initial test request, gathering information
on the item or person to be tested, and getting approval for the test. This state
could be called “Initial Test Processing” or ‘Test Request.” Once the testing is
approved, the test object might enter a second state where the test is actually
performed. This state could be called the “Testing,” “Actual Test Processing,” or
“Lab Work” state. After the test is completed, the object might then be available
for evaluation and review. This final state could be called the “Test Results,”
“Test Evaluation,” or “Test Review” state. In each example, the names provide some
indication of what is happening to the test object in each state.
When defining a policy, you must have at least one state defined. Within that state,
you must define some type of object access. All other information is optional. The
sections that follow describe these clauses and the arguments they use.
Action, Check, and Notify Subclauses
The best practice for actions, checks, and notifications is to use triggers instead
of these keywords to implement the functionality.
The Action and Check subclauses are no longer supported.
The Action subclause associates a program with the promotion of this state. Once an
object is promoted to this state, the program specified by the clause is executed.
Although the Action subclause is optional, it is useful for executing procedures
that might notify non-3DEXPERIENCE Platform users, generate reports, or place orders
for equipment or services:
PROGRAM is the name of a program object, or method, that has
been or will be defined by the Business Administrator.
The check subclause associates a verification procedure with the
promotion of the object out of the state. The procedure is specified as a program
which is executed when a person tries to promote the object. When executed, the
procedure returns a true or false value. If the value is true, the object is
promoted. If the value is false, the promotion is denied. For more information, see
Concepts: Programs.
Use the following syntax to write a Check subclause:
PROGRAM is the name of a program object, or method, that has
been or will be defined by the Business Administrator.
The notify subclause sends a message to selected users once a
business object has entered the state. The message might provide special
instructions or notify users that an object is ready for a particular action. The
notification message is limited to 255 characters.
Use the following syntax to write a Notify subclause:
notify USER_NAME {,USER_NAME} message VALUE
notify signer message VALUE
USER_NAME is the name of a person, group, role, or
association to notify.
Signer refers to the users who are included in the
signature requirements for the next state. This allows one notify message to
notify all signers automatically.
VALUE is the text of the message to be sent to the user(s).
For example, assume you have a user manual that is being written. In its beginning
state, only the author and the author’s manager might access the document. However,
once the manual is ready for review, it would most likely be promoted to a state
where it is available to other users for comments. When this occurs, users must be
notified that the manual is available and that review comments are required. The
following subclause notifies two groups that a manual is ready for review:
notify Engineering, Training
message "The User Guide is now ready for review. Please have your review comments
completed in two weeks."
Example of Action, Check, and Notify
The Action and Check subclauses are no longer supported.
Assume that the states of the policy governing a type “Solid Model” are:
Planned —> Started —> Ready for Detail —> Released
Also assume that the states of the policy for Drawing objects are:
Planned —> Submit for Check —> Checked —> Released
When a solid model reaches the “Ready for Detail” state, the drafter begins work on
the drawing. An action could be declared at this state to execute a program to
create a Drawing business object of the same name as the solid model object. The
program also could connect the two objects with the “Solid-Drawing” relationship.
When arriving in this state, IconMail is sent (using “notify” in the state
definition) to the drafting manager explaining that the solid model is ready for
detail and that drawing files are checked into the attached Drawing object.
Before the drawing is released, a check should be performed to be sure the solid
model was released. The check would be declared in the transition arrow before the
“Released” state of the Drawing policy. The check would execute a program that would
expand the object connected by the “Solid-Drawing” relationship and check their
current state. If the current state is “Released,” promotion of the Drawing to the
“Released” state would be allowed; otherwise, promotion would fail.
Route Subclause
The Route subclause automatically reassigns ownership when an object enters a
business state. Since ownership implies greater access privileges and
responsibility, changing ownership can be an effective means of controlling an
object. The Route subclause is also used to notify the new owner of the
reassignments. The route message is limited to 255 characters.
For example, assume you have a manual that was just completed by a writer. The
manual is promoted into a state called “Formatting and Editing” in which an editor
takes charge of the manual. The editor prepares the document for review and oversees
any changes required to prepare it for publication. Since the writer is no longer
involved, you might want to assign the manual’s ownership to the editor. While the
editor might be among the users notified that the manual is finished, the editor
should receive special notification that the manual now “belongs” to him/her. After
the manual is published, you might again change the ownership to that of the company
librarian. When changes in ownership occur, the new owner should be notified.
The optional Route subclause is similar to the Notify subclause (for more
information, see Action, Check, and Notify Subclauses.
route USER_NAME {,USER_NAME} message VALUE
USER_NAME is the name of a person, group, or role who will
receive ownership of the business object.
VALUE is the text of the message to be sent to the new owners.
For example, the following subclause notifies the editor that ownership of a manual
was transferred to that person:
route Editor message "Ownership of this manual has been transferred to you."
Block and Unblock Subclauses
This subclause hides a state from the user interface so that it cannot be used, but
the state still exists. Before executing this clause, any existing objects in the
state to be hidden should be promoted or demoted out of that state.
Use this syntax to hide a state:
state STATE_NAME1 block STATE_NAME2;
state STATE_NAME2 block STATE_NAME3;
STATE_NAME1 is the state prior to the state being hidden
STATE_NAME2 is the state being hidden
STATE_NAME3 is the state after the state being hidden
For example, this command hides the Frozen state by blocking the access to it and
from it:
state Created block Frozen;
state Frozen block Release;
Hidden states do not show in the user interface for searches, and are not available
to promote or demote to.
You can unhide a state that was previously blocked. To do so, use this syntax:
state STATE_NAME1 unblock STATE_NAME2;
state STATE_NAME2 unblock STATE_NAME3;
ACCESS_USER Subclauses
Use the following syntax to define access rules.
| [revoke] [login] public [key STRING] |
| [revoke] [login] owner [key STRING] |
| [revoke] [login] user USER_NAME [key STRING] |
- Use the public, owner, and user keywords to specify that this rule
applies to everyone (public), the object owner (owner), or to a named
role (
user USERNAME ).
- With revoke, all accesses specified as
rescinded. If all conditions are true, then accesses are rescinded for
the current user. Revoke supersedes all other rules. If a rule revokes
access for a user, no other rule can grant access to that user.
- Login specifies that the rule only applies if the role it specifies
matches a role associated with the user’s current login context. This is
more restrictive than the default, where the system looks at all user
assignments to see if a rule applies to any of them.
The key STRING is a label that differentiates multiple
rules defined for the same user. For example, if you have two rules defined
for public or for user Designer, you can use the key STRING to need to
differentiate them.
You can use the signature keyword in place of
key for rules that represent signatures. If you use the
signature keyword, you can only use the approve,
reject, or ignore accesses, or the branch or
filter keywords.
ACCESS_ITEM specifies the kinds of access this rule governs,
either granting or revoking access. The ACCESS_ITEMs are
described in Access Privilege Definitions. With each
ACCESS_ITEM , other than all and none, you can either grant
the access or explicitly deny the access. You deny an access by entering not (or
!) in front of the ACCESS_ITEM in the command. For example,
!todisconnect or notchangeowner .
[any | single | ancestor | descendant] organization
[any | single | ancestor | descendant] project
[any | context] owner
[any | no | context | inclusive] reserve
[any | public | protected | private | notprivate | ppp] maturity
[filter | localfilter] EXPR
[branch STATE_NAME]
USER_ITEM specifies a variety of ways to define matching
options between the current context’s membership in various organization and
policy against the project or organization ownership of the object being
Flag |
Description |
Specifies that the object’s organization
owner must be checked against the context’s member
organization. |
Specifies that the object’s organization
owner must be checked against the context’s member project.
any owner
No check is performed on owner (default).
context owner
Checks that object is owned by context
user. |
any reserve
No check is performed on whether the
object is reserved (default). |
no reserve
Checks that the object is not reserved by
anyone. |
context reserve
Checks that the object is reserved by the
current context user. |
inclusive reserve
Checks that the object is either reserved
by the current context user or by no one. |
any maturity
No check is performed on the maturity of
the project owning the object (default). |
public maturity
Checks that maturity on the collaborative
space of the credentials is public. |
protected maturity
Checks that maturity on collaborative
space of the credentials is protected. |
private maturity
Checks that maturity on collaborative
space of the credentials is private. |
notprivate maturity
Checks that maturity on collaborative
space of the credentials is either protected or public.
ppp maturity
Checks that maturity on collaborative
space of the credentials is either private, protected, or
public. |
[filter | localfilter]
A filter expression defined for the user
access. Use localfilter instead of filter in policies and
access rules to return only results to which the current
user definitely has access. When you use localfilter, the
expression is not evaluated by full-text search.
Expression access filters can be any expression that
is valid in the system. Expressions are supported in
various modules of the system, for example, query where
clauses, expand, filters defined on workspace objects
such as cues, tips and filters, and so on. For more
information, see Expression Access Filters.
Indicates the state to move to when the
signature is provided. You can include a filter with this
keyword. For example:
branch FROZEN filter TRUE Only one
branch is allowed for different access rules per signature,
although you can have different filters for different user
accesses for a signature. If any combination of access
definitions match multiple users with different filters,
all filters are evaluated. The signature requirement is
considered met if ALL applicable filters evaluate to
If a rule is not considered a signature, any branch is
Rule Subclause
Use the following syntax to define a rule for the state:
all means that all rule items in that rule are added to the
state as-is, using the same usernames and the same keys. The owner and
public rules with no key are not referenced.
MAPPED_ACCESS_USER means that a specific username or
username+key is added to the state. If you do not specify a key, then only
rule items that match that username and have no defined key are referenced.
Owner and public rule items that have a key can be referenced, but the
built-in owner and public rules (no key) cannot be referenced.
| ruleuser public [ all | rulekey STRING [ statekey STRING] |
| ruleuser owner rulekey STRING [statekey STRING ] |
| ruleuser USER_NAME [ all | rulekey STRING ] [stateuser NAME] [statekey STRING ]|
rulekey STRING is the key defined in the rule
statekey STRING is the key to name this access rule
for this state
stateuser NAME is the username for this access rule
for this state
For more information about defining rules, see rule Command.
Every state in a policy includes a built-in owner and public rule. You cannot remove
these rules, but you can disable them by setting the access to none. These rules
cannot be referenced. If you use all when specifying a rule for the
state, all rule items in that rule EXCEPT the public and owner rules that do not
have keys are referenced.
You can reference rule items from multiple rules for a single state. However, each
referenced rule included in the state must have a unique key.
To include all items in the specified rule to a policy state, use this syntax:
add policy POLICY_NAME state STATE_NAME rule RULE_NAME all;
For example:
add policy Parts state Review rule ReviewRule all;
To add a rule to a state that defines specific rule items, use this syntax:
add policy POLICY_NAME state STATE_NAME rule RULE_NAME ruleuser USERNAME rulekey
STRING stateuser NAME statekey STRING;
For example:
add policy Parts state Review rule ReviewRule ruleuser "Design Manager"
rulekey ManagerAccess stateuser "Manager" statekey ApproveAccess;
This command gives the person Design Manager, which could be a role, the access
defined by the key ManagerAccess in the ReviewRule. In the policy, this access shows
as user Manager with the key ApproveAccess. The ApproveAccess definition for the
state maps to the ManagerAccess rule item defined in the ReviewRule.
This example syntax shows adding a rule with three rule items, and referencing that
rule from a policy: add rule RULENAME
public key KEY1 read,show,checkin
owner key KEY2 create,show,read
user U1 key ExtendedCreateAccessForU1 create
owner rulekey KEY2 key OWNERKEY
ruleuser U1 rulekey ExtendedCreateAccessForU1 user Designer key ExtendedCreateAccessForDesigner
Signature Subclause
This clause is deprecated. Use signature keyword in place of a key
as described in ACCESS_USER Subclauses.
This subclause specifies who can control the promotion or rejection of a business
object. When an object is promoted, it moves to the next defined state and is
subject to the access rules associated with that state. When an object is rejected,
it remains in the current state until it meets the criteria for promotion.
The Signature subclause has the syntax:
SIGN_NAME identifies the type of signature. Try to use a name
that identifies what the signature represents. For example, the signature might
represent initial acceptance, completion, or final sign-off. Each of these terms
could be used for a SIGN_NAME . For more information, see About Administrative Object Names.
SIGNATURE_ITEM identifies the type of state change that will
occur when a group, role, or person signs off on an object. Use any of the
State Change |
Description |
approve USER_NAME
Specifies that the object can be promoted
to the next state. This clause is deprecated. Use the
Approve access right for a user. |
Specifies that the object must remain in the current
state until it meets with the approval of the user. This
clause is deprecated. Use the Reject access right for a
user. |
Enables you to override the approval or rejection of the
object. When ignore is specified, the named user can sign in
the place of others. This might be useful to allow a senior
manager the ability to sign off for a lower manager. This
clause is deprecated. Use the Ignore access right for a
user. |
Specifies what the next state will be after a signature
is applied. |
Enables filtering to ensure that the promotion of an
object meets certain criteria. |
STATE_NAME is any previously-defined name of a state
included in the current policy. By specifying a branch, you can decide
which signatures are required to transition to a given state during a
promote operation. When promotion is initiated, the system will choose
the state for which all signatures are satisfied. If more than one
branch is enabled, an error is generated.
EXPRESSION is a command that evaluates to either true
or false. If a signature requirement filter evaluates to true, then the
signature requirement is fulfilled. This is useful for adding required
signatures that are conditional, dependent on some characteristic of a
business object. The default rule is:
which is a select field that means the signature has been approved,
ignored, or overridden. When you specify a filter, this default rule
is replaced. For help formatting the expressions that can be entered
into the Filter area, see the Appendix: Selectables.
Approval can become dependent on any selectable field of the
business object. This includes attributes as well as states and
other signatures. The real power of filters comes from the use of
combinatorial logic using and’s and or’s between state information
and business object information.
USER_NAME is any previously defined name of an
association, group, role, or person. If the name you give is not
defined, an error message will result. If you are unsure of a user name,
remember that you can obtain a complete listing of all of the user names
by entering the MQL List User command.
For example, assume you have a state where objects are started and worked on prior
to general review. While the object is in this state, you might want two types of
signatures: one to indicate that the project is complete and another to indicate
acceptance. This state definition might appear as:
state started
revision false
public all, notenable, notdisable, notoverride
owner all, notenable, notdisable, notoverride
user Manager override
signature Complete
approve Writer
reject Writer
ignore Manager
signature Accepted
approve Manager
reject Manager
ignore "Senior Manager"
When including an Ignore Signature item in a state definition, you should not
confuse this with the override privilege. The Override privilege allows you to
promote an object without any signatures at all. The Ignore Signature item assumes
that a signature is required for object promotion. It simply allows the specified
person to provide that required signature.
When a signature has been approved, it can subsequently be rejected. But when a
signature has been rejected, ignore cannot subsequently be used to
satisfy the signature.
Stateproperty Subclause
Integrators can assign ad hoc attributes, called Properties, to a state as well as
to the policy as a whole. Properties allow associations to exist between
administrative definitions that are not already associated, and can be helpful to
programmers implementing additional functionality. The property information can
include a name, an arbitrary string value, and a reference to another administration
object. The property name is always required. The value string and object reference
are both optional. The property name can be reused for different object references,
that is, only the name joined with the object reference must be unique for any
object that has properties.
add policy NAME
state NAME stateproperty NAME [to ADMINTYPE NAME] [value STRING];
To use the Stateproperty clause you must be a business administrator with admin
property access. For additional information on properties, see MQL
Concepts: Administrative Properties and Property Clause.
Trigger Subclause
Event Triggers allow the execution of a Program object to be associated with the
occurrence of an event. The following lifecycle events support Triggers:
For example, when a state was scheduled, each successive state could be scheduled
automatically by a specified offset value. These transactions are written into
program objects which are then called by the trigger.
State Triggers use the following syntax:
EVENT_TYPE is any of the valid events for Policies: approve,
demote, disable, enable, ignore, override, promote, reject, schedule, or unsign.
TRIGGER_TYPE is Check, Override, or Action.
PROG_NAME is the name of the Program object that will execute
when the event occurs.
ARG_STRING is a string of arguments to be passed into the
program. When you pass arguments into the program they are referenced by
variables within the program. Variables 0, 1, 2… and so on. are reserved by the
system for passing in arguments.
- Environment variable “0” always holds the program name and is set automatically
by the system.
- Arguments following the program name are set in environment variables “1”,
“2”,… and so on.
For example:
state started
revision false
public all, notenable, notdisable, notoverride
owner all, notenable, notdisable, notoverride
user Manager override
signature Complete
approve Writer
reject Writer
ignore Manager
signature Accepted
approve Manager
reject Manager
ignore "Senior Manager"
trigger schedule action "Schedule Offsets";
Minorrevision Subclause
This subclause specifies whether or not revisions of the object are allowed while
the object is in this state.
This subclause uses two arguments: true and false.
minorrevision [true|false]
- When the revision argument is set to
true , revisions of the
object are allowed.
- If the revision argument is set to
false , no revisions are
For example, the following minorrevision subclause prohibits the creation of a new
revision while the object is in this state:
state "Tax Return Completed"
minorrevision false
public none, read
owner none, read, demote
user Manager none, read, promote
In this example, you have a state for completed tax forms. In this state, you do not
want anyone to revise the objects containing the finished tax returns. If further
modification is required, a change in state must occur. The owner can demote the
object to its former state to make changes and the manager can promote the object
into the audit state.
The Minorrevision subclause is optional. 3DSpace assumes that revisions are allowed if no subclause or argument is used. Use the
false keyword to turn off the ability to create revisions.
Version Subclause
This subclause indicates whether or not any file can be checked in while the object
is in the state.
Like the Minorrevision subclause described above, this subclause uses two arguments:
true and false.
- When the version argument is set to
true , files can be checked
- If the argument is set to
false , no new files are allowed.
In the following state definition, the Customer or the builder/owner can check in
files (that might contain room layouts, exterior views, or electrical plans, for
state “House Design Phase"
revision false
version true
public none, read
owner all
user Customer none, read, checkin, modify
The Version subclause is optional. 3DSpace assumes that files can be checked into the object while the object is in the
state if no subclause or argument is used. Use the false keyword to turn off the
ability to check in files.
Checkouthistory Subclause
The generation of history information on the checkout event is optional. The need to
disable checkout history stems from the implementation of distributed databases and
the advanced search partial index process. In distributed databases, creating
history records requires that a distributed transaction be run across multiple
servers. If any server is unavailable, the transaction will fail. This means that
all servers must be available to checkout/view files. If checkout history is
disabled, only the local server needs to be accessible for the transaction to run to
During a partial index process, business objects are indexed according to their
modification date. If checkout history enabled, the history record and the
modification date of the business object is updated whenever a file is checked out.
Since the modification date is changed, during a partial index process, the business
object and its associated files will be indexed again even if the business object
has not changed except for the file check out. Disabling checkout can beneficial in
preventing a lot of unnecessary indexing, especially if large files are often
checked out. This subclause uses two arguments: true and false.
checkouthistory [true|false]
Splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess Clause
The value of this clause determines which of these methods is used for adding and
removing interfaces:
- If set to true, the addinterface and removeinterface accesses control access
for interfaces.
- If set to false, the changetype access controls access for interfaces.
For example, a user wants to add an interface to an object and access is controlled
by a policy state. The system checks the value of the splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess
clause to determine if the user has the required access:
- If splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess is true, the system checks the value of
the addinterface access control.
- If splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess is false, the system checks the value of
the changetype access control.
Revoking access using removeinterface works the same way as granting access with
When access is inherited by a child business object using mod bus TYPE NAME
REVISION add access bus , the value of splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess on
the state rule for the business object that the add interface or remove interface
action is being attempted on is used. If a user attempts to add an interface to the
child business object, splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess on the child business object’s
state rule is checked. If the user attempts to add an interface to the parent
business object, splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess on the parent business object’s
state rule is checked.
Defining ownership inheritance using mod bus TYPE NAME REVISION add ownership
bus does not affect the access for the child or the parent business
object. If a user attempts to add or remove an interface on a business object that
has ownership inheritance, the value of splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess on the state
rule for the business object that the add or remove interface action is being
attempted on is used.
When adding or removing an interface from a path, MQL checks for modify access to the
path (not addinterface, removeinterface, or changetype access).
If splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess is false, printing the business object's state
access list does not include the addinterface and removeinterface controls, even if
those controls are included in the policy state definition. In addition, the value
of this flag is not copied when the policy is copied.
If splitchangetypeinterfaceaccess is set on a policy's allstate, that value is not
preserved when exporting and importing the policy. However, MQL only checks the
value of the flag for specific states, not for allstate.