Use the set system
command to set or change global system
set system SYSTEM_SETTING; |
casesensitive |on |;
|off| |
changelattice update set |on |;
|off| |
changevault update set|on |;
|off| |
constraint |index [indexspace SPACE]|;
|none | |
dbservertimezonefromdb |on |;
|off| |
decimal |.|;
|,| |
emptyname |on |;
|off| |
fcssettings bucketsync |on |;
|off| |
fcssettings syncmaxfilenum |NUMERIC_VALUE|; |
fcssettings syncmaxsize |NUMERIC_VALUE|; |
fcssettings zipsync |on |;
|off| |
globaluniqueTNR |on |;
|off| |
history |on |;
|off| |
indexspace DBINDEXSPACE; |
persistentforeignids |on |;
|off| |
privilegedbusinessadmin |on |;
|off| |
searchindex file FILENAME; |
smtp |host HOST_NAME | ;
|user USER_NAME |
|pass PASSWORD |
|port PORT |
|mechanisms MECHANISMS | |
systemmailmessages |on |;
|off| |
tablespace SPACE; |
tidy |on |;
|off| |
truncatehistory |on |;
|off| |
For more information, see MQL
Concepts: Maintenance.
Set System FCSsettings and FCSextensions
set system FCSSettings ZipSync
command is used to enable or
disable FCS compressed synchronization.
set system fcssettings zipsync |on |
|off| |
The Set System FCSExtensions
command is used to
configure file extensions indicating compressed files to FCS.
set system fcsextensions [FILE_EXTENSION{,FILE_EXTENSION}] |
For more information, see FCS Compressed Synchronization.
The set system fcssettings bucketsync
command is used to
activate or deactivate FCS bucket replication. The set system
fcssettings syncmaxfilenum
command sets the bucket replication
parameter fcssettings.syncmaxfilenum
. The set system
fcssettings syncmaxsize
command sets the bucket replication
parameter fcssettings.syncmaxsize
. For more information, see
FCS Bucket Replication.
Set System GlobalUniqueTNR
Set System GlobalUniqueTNR
command checks the current state
of the TNR uniqueness to see how a system was upgraded.
print system globaluniqueTNR |
The above command shows "On" if TNR uniqueness is being enforced across all
vaults (the default). It shows "Off" if TNR uniqueness is being enforced on a
per-vault basis. If this setting is changed, this creates indices on the mvTNR
table, which potentially is a very expensive operation. If you must, you can
globally change the setting using:
set system globaluniqueTNR [on|off] |
All new databases are created with the
flag set to On.
Set System Searchindex
The Set
System Searchindex command
creates schema for the 3DSpace Index. This command requires that the Cloudview Server be up and running before it
is issued. If the Cloudview Server is not available, this command produces the
following error: "Unable to connect to index server. Config file saved,
but "set system searchindex" command will need to be run again to use index
set system searchindex file FILENAME |
Set System SMTP
Use the set
system smtp
commands to define the host, port, user, and password
to define the email host for sending messages. If the
environment variable is also set, this command
overrides that variable.
set system smtp host HOST_NAME;
set system smtp user USER_NAME;
set system smtp pass PASSWORD;
set system smtp port PORT;
set system mechanisms MECHANISMS; |
The password is encrypted when saved, and when printed using the
print system smtp;
keyword allows you to define a
comma-separated list of email authorization mechanisms. For
set system smtp mechanisms LOGIN,PLAIN,XOAUTH2;
If XOAUTH2 is used as the mechanism, the password must be a valid OAUTH2
Set System
The Set System SystemMailMessages
enables of disables mail sent by a kernel event, such as unlocking a business
set system systemmailmessages [on|off] |
Set System Tablespace and Indexspace
Set System TableSpace command is used to configure the system to use a new
tablespace and indexspace for any new administration tables and indices as
set system tablespace DBTABLESPACE |
set system indexspace DBINDEXSPACE |
When using SQL Server, the casesensitive setting is Off by default. To work with
SQL Server in case-sensitive mode, you must configure case-sensitivity by
executing the following
set context user creator;
set system casesensitive on;
For more information, see
SQL Server Setup.