User Level
Business Administrator
User LevelBusiness Administrator SyntaxThe command uses this syntax.
Transition AttributeThe Transition Attribute command migrates attribute values by copying or converting the existing value. You can also convert the attribute from one type to another, such as converting from string to shortbinary or from string to enum. Transition Attribute SyntaxUse this syntax to execute the transition attribute command.
Copy ClauseThe copy clause uses this syntax to copy values from one attribute to another.
The copy clause copies the current value of
For string attribute values that overflowed to the lxDesc table, the Transition Attribute Copy command copies and inserts new rows in lxDesc in addition to the rows in lxString. The command manages its own transaction and will not run within another transaction. If the attributes do not exist, the command errors out. Convert ClauseThe convert clause converts the datatype of the attribute and maps the values from the source attribute to the destination attribute. You can also convert the datatype of the attribute. Converting Attribute Values The convert clause changes the value from
Each value is a single MQL token, and you can use the MQL escape to support embedded quotes in values. The convert clause allows you to make these datatype conversions:
For multi-value attributes, you can only convert from integers to strings. You cannot convert multi-value attributes to an attribute defined with a dimension. When converting to or from a string, the integer or real attribute can have a dimension defined, but it can only be a single-value attribute and the command can only specify units defined for the dimension. All values specified for the dimensioned-attribute in the command must use the same units. The attribute values must be compatible:
If The command manages its own transaction and will not run within another transaction. If the attributes do not exist, the command errors out. Converting Attribute TypesUse this syntax to convert the type of an attribute:
For example, you can convert an attribute originally defined as string to an enum attribute: transition attribute Colors to ColorRange attribute enum; When converting a string attribute to a shortbinary attribute, the values in the string attribute must be hexadecimal. For example: transition attribute String1 to Hex1 attribute shortbinary; Example Converting Integers to Range ValuesThis example converts an attribute named ColorInt that contains integer values to an attribute named Color that contains text range values of red, green and blue. The command for this example is: transition attribute convert ColorInt to Color map 1 red 2 green 3 blue; If the ColorInt attribute has any values other than 1, 2, or 3, the command aborts. Example Converting String Attribute to Real AttributeThis next example shows how to convert attribute values from a string attribute with range values to a real attribute with a dimension. The string attribute, Lead Time, has these range values defined:
You want to migrate these values to an attribute named Lead Time Duration, that includes a dimension named Duration. The Duration dimension defines these units: unit "Day default" label "Day" multiplier 1.0 offset 0.0 Default unit "Week" label "Week" multiplier 7.0 offset 0.0 You use the mapping values to translate from the source weeks to the target days (the default value for the dimension must be used): transition attribute convert "Lead Time" "Lead Time Duration" map unassigned 0 "1 Week" 7 "2 Weeks" 14 "3 Weeks" 21 "4 Weeks" 28; keepformat Clause
You can use the This command adds the You cannot use this clause with any data type other than real. You cannot use
The history of the attribute is not updated when you use this clause. Use this syntax to execute this clause:
Do not specify a The value of You can use the If you do not specify If the transition command cannot properly general an input value, the current value is retained. If an existing real attribute value causes an error (such as numeric overflow during conversion), the error text might contain a clue that can be used to write an SQL script to find the problematic row. Any app that uses a transitioned attribute must take these possible values of the
input value into account. The app can use
Transition cestampUse the Transition cestamp command after running the upgrade command to update the cestamp column for the attribute. This command allows Product Structure Design apps to access the cestamp (stored in a different system table than the cestamp for ENOVIA apps).
CEStamp (Concurrent Engineering Stamp) implements optimistic offline lock, a
method to prevent conflict between concurrent transactions by detecting a
conflict and rolling back the transaction. When you have the
Transition ChangeSOVThe Transition ChangeSOV command appends changesov access if the rule of a policy includes changeowner access. That is, whenever changeowner access is granted, changesov access is also granted. The rule can be owner, public, or user in any state, including allstate). Wildcards are not supported for the Transition ChangeSOV command. The The MQL syntax for the Transition ChangeSOV command is:
The The
The search criteria is met if the comment for a business object is in (comment1 OR comment2 …) AND the policy is in (policy1 OR policy2 …) AND type is in (typ1 OR type2 …). You cannot use the Using this business object as an example:
Execute this transition command:
In this command, the The business object is evaluated because its type matches the type in the transition command. The access definition is not updated because the transition changesov command only affects explicit or inherited SOV, not access. The first ownership definition,
The second ownership definition,
The third ownership definition,
Transition Dynamic-RelationshipThe Transition Dynamic-Relationship command makes existing relationship types and instances dynamic. A relationship type cannot be mutated to become dynamic with the Modify Relationship command. The administration-only MQL Transition command can perform this change for Product Structure Design data.
This command converts the administration definition of the relationship type, and also migrates all connections that are of that type. It toggles the dynamic bit on the MXRELTYPE entry. It also removes the data from LXRO and creates new data in LXDRO/ MXFAMILY to make those PLMInstances point to the now major versions. Transition InterfacerulesflagUse this transition command to update the cInterfaceRulesFlag on business objects when the system adds or removes rules from an interface, or when an interface is removed from business objects that have multiple interfaces. This flag indicates if the business object has rules added by an interface that need to be evaulated when calculating access. If this transition command is not run, access to affected business objects might not be evaluated correctly. If the interface you add or remove is the only interface for a business object, you do not need to run the transition command.
Transition Path RelationshipThe Transition Path Relationship command converts a relationship into a pathtype.
For more information, see pathtype Command. Transition Path SplitThe Transition Path Split command migrates instances of a specified pathtype to another pathtype based on matching two pairs of attributes/values. The installation procedure must create any new pathtype prior to executing the transition command.
For any The The Transition Path Split command will not create the new pathtypes and will throw an error if the pathtype referenced in the command does not exist. The mxPathType table must be upgraded with any new pathtypes prior to running this command. Examples: transition path split SemanticRelation NewSR attribute Role 1 Semantics 3 ownertype t2 kind businessobject; transition path split SemanticRelation NewSR attribute Role 1 Semantics 3 ownertype r2 kind connection; Transition Project_OrgThe
By default, the
You can only define a single project (collaborative space) and a single organization. You can specify a single project AND a single organization, or a project OR an organization, but you must specify at least one project or organization. This table describes the actions taken depending on the combination of parameters:
This command generates SQL statements. For example, if you specify this command: transition project_org policy pol1,pol2,pol3 project defaultproj organization defaultorg The generated SQL command is: update lxBO_<latticesuffix> set lxLxaltown1=<defaultprojid>,lxAltown2= <defaultorgid> where lxPolicy in (pol1_id,pol2_id,pol3_id); The overwrite flag was not included, but is false by default. Transition Published-FlagsThe
This command finds business objects governed by the specified policy that are in published states, sets the new bit in lxBO.lxFLAGS, and creates mxFamily entries for the business objects’ minor revision families. Transition RelationshipThe
This command changes the relationship type of an existing connection to the
relationship specified by Transition Relationship TypeThe
Here The following actions are performed.
Transition RevisionsThe Transition Revisions command creates major versions out of existing Product Structure Design data by performing the following operations.
The syntax for the
This command allows the modification of a policy to add a major or minor sequence definition, and to update all business objects that are governed by the policy to update their policies. The The command also modifies the access masks on all states to ensure that any
access rule that specifies revise access is updated to specify both
Since the Transition Revisions command changes the revision string for the
business objects in the specified policy, this would require an update of any
unique keys (including mxTNR) and indices that contain the revision selectables.
The Transition Revision command detects any such problematic unique keys and
indices and refuses to work until these were explicitly disabled. You can use
the additional You can use Transition UpdatestampThe Transition updatestamp command updates the value of the updatestamp column for the specified attribute.
The stamp value is a DCE UUID 16 byte ID used by applications to mark significant changes to the businessobject. Persistent DataIn addition to changes to tables described in the preceding sections, the mxStateReq table also has a new upgrade step that is used to detect that a new bit is being used in its MXFLAGS column. The dynamic relationship feature adds an additional requirement for the definition of the database user for Oracle installations: the user must now have Create View privileges. Transition commands produce no history records. Apart from the fact that a policy is transformed in such a way as to give it a new majorsequence and a new minorsequence, there is no way to tell that the policy was migrated using a Transition command. |