About Resource Patterns

You can create a pattern of how to lay out objects, and then create and distribute instances of that pattern within your layout. Patterns enable you to distribute objects along an axis or a curve profile. Also, layouts are created by relying on patterns, for example, you may always have a bin on each side of robot.

See Also
Creating a Resource Pattern

The creation and distribution of instances is governed by the number of objects selected.

If you have selected just one object, you first create an instance, and then distribute the instances.

If you have selected multiple objects, then you can only distribute the objects by pattern.

By selecting an object with Create Pattern , a direction selection agent appears at the base center of the selected object (either an XYZ axis system or a curve profile).

You can select an axis, create a predefined number of new instances, and distribute them in the selected direction with predefined spacing.

If a direction (X, Y, or Z) is selected, all selected instances are distributed in that direction.

If the 3D profile is selected, all selected objects are placed on profile starting from a selected point and direction on the profile.

If you choose, clash detection can occur as the instances are propagated and distributed, so that as soon as a clash is detected, the distribution stops.

The spacing between the instances being distributed is determined by the distance between their nearest bounding box faces.

Since the command allows multiselection, you can either select objects once before or after opening. If nothing is preselected, the Tools Palette dialog box appears to help you select multiple objects.