Checking the Status of the Configuration Effectivity with B.I. Essentials

You can compute the configuration effectivity status with B.I. Essentials, which takes into account Systems and Operations. B.I. Essentials color-codes the object tiles and the objects in the tree according to their configuration effectivity status.

See Also
About Systems
Using B.I Essentials in Process Planning
  1. Select a System or Operation in the tree.
  2. From the Tools section of the Action Bar, click B.I. Essentials .
    The B.I. Essentials panel appears.
  3. Click the Configuration Effectivity menu option in the B.I. Essentials panel.
    The list appears and contains information about the configuration effectivity status.

    B.I. Essentials has now color-coded the selected system or operation in both the tree and the main 3D according to its status in the B.I. Essentials panel.