Locking and Unlocking Documents

You can lock and unlock a file that exists in 3DEXPERIENCE from Windows Explorer and also change its status.

Required access roles: Author, Leader, Owner

See Also
About Windows Explorer Integration
Collaboration for Microsoft Windows Explorer Integration Interface
  1. In Windows Explorer, select a file.
  2. To lock a file, right-click and select Lock . You can also select the file and click Lock from the toolbar ribbon.
    The file is locked.
  3. To unlock a file, right-click and select Unlock . You can also select the file and click Unlock from the toolbar ribbon.
    The file is unlocked.

Note: If you attempt to Lock/Unlock an object that does not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE, an error message appears indicating that the file is unrecognized and the operation has failed.
Tip: You can verify if the object is locked or unlocked by checking the Is Locked attribute. See Viewing and Modifying Attributes for more information about viewing attributes.