Opening a Document

You can open and download a particular document without locking or checking out the document from the server to the local working directory.

Required access roles: Author, Leader, Owner, Contributor, Reader

  • If you open a document without any files attached, a message appears alerting you the object does not contain files.
  • If you open a document with multiple files attached to it, you can select one file from the Revisions/Versions pane.
  • You cannot open two files with the same file name in Microsoft Excel.

3DEXPERIENCE manages document versions in Collaboration for Microsoft. To open more than one version of a file, download the older version of the document to a special directory within the local working directories and open the file from there.

See Also
About Microsoft Office Integration
About Windows Explorer Integration
  1. Ensure you are logged in Windows Explorer Integration. See Logging on to 3DEXPERIENCE
  2. To open a document with one attached file, right-click the document and select Open . You can also select the file and click Open from the toolbar ribbon.

A confirmation message appears that the document has been downloaded successfully to the working folder in the Items pane of Windows Explorer.