Editing the Configuration

You can edit the configuration of the widget to modify the topics it follows and the sources where the widget searches for content that matches these topics.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:

Edit the Topics

You can add or remove topics to follow with your Channel widget.

Add Topics

  1. From the widget header, select Menu > Edit.
    The widget enters the Edit mode.
  2. From the left-hand pane, click Topics.
    The Topics menu opens.
  3. In the Enter a keyword field, enter a keyword related to the topic you want to follow.

    • Keywords are not case-sensitive and accents are ignored.
    • Only the following special characters are accepted: &, @, %, ©, ®, $, ¥, , £, , ¢, ,, .
    • Any special character not mentioned in the list above is ignored, including * and !.

    When you have entered at least 3 characters, a list appears. It is composed of the following:
    Section Description
    T Contains a user-defined topic corresponding to the keyword you entered.
    ý Contains suggested topics related to the keyword you entered that are found in the app's ontology.
    Note: You cannot modify this ontology.
  4. Do either of the following:
    • Press Enter to select the T keyword.
    • From the list, select a topic.
      Note: You can only select one topic from this list.
    Your topic is added to the Selected Topics list.

    The widget applies an AND Boolean operator between the topics that appear in the Selected Topics list, meaning that the widget will display all the articles that match both of these topics.

    For example, if the Selected Topics list contains the following topics: Dassault Systèmes and Netvibes, the widget will display all the articles that are about both Dassault Systèmes and Netvibes.

    Tip: To create advanced queries with more Boolean operators and filter options, use the Tracked Topic app.

  5. Optional: Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more topics.
  6. Click Apply.
    The Topics menu closes and the widget displays a preview list of the matching content.
  7. Optional: Open and verify the matching content by clicking any domains or titles from the list.
    The corresponding internet pages open in new windows.
  8. When you are done, click Save on the widget.

The Edit mode closes and the widget displays the content found in your selected sources that match with your topics in the form of articles. When new matching content is published, the widget automatically retrieves it and displays it for 30 days.

Note: You cannot make Channel check for new content manually. The Menu > Refresh command that is available from the widget header only refreshes the user interface of the widget; it does not make the widget crawl its sources for new content.

Remove Topics

  1. From the widget header, select Menu > Edit.
    The widget enters the Edit mode.
  2. From the left-hand pane, click Topics.
    The Topics menu opens.
  3. From the Selected Topics list, click , on each topic you want to remove.
  4. Click Apply.
    The Topics menu closes and the widget displays a preview list of the matching content.

    You can only click Apply when there is at least one topic in the Selected Topics list. If you have removed all the topics, add one. For more information, see Add Topics above.

  5. Optional: Open and verify the matching content by clicking any domains or titles from the list.
    The corresponding internet pages open in new windows.
  6. Click Save.

The Edit mode closes and the articles related to the topics you removed no longer appear in the widget.

Edit the Sources

You can choose the 3DSwym communities and Industry Libraries in which Channel searches for content that matches the topics you have selected.

  1. From the widget header, select Menu > Edit.
    The widget enters the Edit mode.
  2. From the left-hand pane, click Sources.
    The Sources menu opens on a list of sources available to you. It is organized in the following sections:
    Section Name Description
    Shows, in alphabetical order, all the private and secret 3DSwym communities you are a member of, and all the public 3DSwym communities (including the public communities you are not a member of) of the platform.
    • 3DSwym must be enabled on your 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
    • The 3DSwym communities you have unfollowed also appear on this list.
    • 3DSwym community changes (for example, a new community is created) can take up to 4 hours to propagate to Channel.
    Contextualized content Shows the private and secret 3DSwym communities you are not a member of that have already been selected as sources.
    • This section only appears when the widget was configured by another user, or when you are no longer a member of a private or secret 3DSwym community you selected in the past.
    • This section is for information purposes only; you cannot select any of its check boxes.
    • 3DSwym communities always have a cleared check box, meaning that the widget hides the content from these communities from you.
    • You can send a request to join any private community by clicking Join . When your request is accepted, the widget shows you the content from this community and moves it from this Contextualized content section to the Communities section. For confidentiality reasons, the names of secret communities are always hidden and you cannot send requests to join them from this section.
    • 3DSwym community changes (for example, a new community is created) can take up to 4 hours to propagate to Channel.
    Industries Libraries Shows predefined corpora of sources. There is one subsection per industry and each industry is divided into expandable categories.

    By default, all the Industry Libraries are selected.

  3. Select or remove sources by selecting or clearing their check boxes accordingly. Select at least one source.

    To make your selection easier, you can:

    • Select all sources from a section by clicking Select all under the corresponding section name.
    • Filter the list of the sources of the Communities and Industries Libraries sections by performing the following:
      1. Click under the name of the section you want to filter.
      2. Enter a search word.
      3. Press Enter.
    • Expand Industry Libraries categories by clicking .
    • After having expanded an Industry Library category, you can preview the sources of any of its Industry Libraries by hovering over an Industry Library name and clicking .

  4. Click Apply.
    The Sources menu closes and the widget displays a preview list of the matching content.
  5. Optional: Open and verify the matching content by clicking any domains or titles from the list.
    The corresponding internet pages open in new windows.
  6. Click Save on the widget.

The Edit mode closes and the widget displays the content found in your selected sources that match with your topics in the form of articles. When new matching content is published, the widget automatically retrieves it and displays it for 30 days.

  • Channel can only retrieve the following types of content from 3DSwym communities: Post.
  • You cannot make Channel check for new content manually. The Menu > Refresh command that is available from the widget header only refreshes the user interface of the widget; it does not make the widget crawl its sources for new content.