Common Rules for All Data Types
The file you want to import into MisoData must comply with all the following rules:
- Supported file formats: XLS, XLSX, CSV, ODS, TXT, TSV.
- Maximum file size: 10 MB.
- The first row of your data set must be the header of each column. The header must not span multiple rows. The subsequent rows must contain your data.
- There must not be any blank rows between the header and the rows that contain your data.
- Cells must not span multiple columns or rows.
- For CSV and TSV files, each column must be separated by a semicolon, a comma, or a tabulation mark.
- Decimal marks can be a decimal point or a comma. Only one kind of decimal mark can be used per data set.
- Within the same data set, decimal marks, date delimiters and column delimiters must use different characters. For example, when commas are already used as decimal marks, they cannot be used as column delimiters.