Configuring or Editing the Configuration of MisoData

When you add a MisoData widget to your dashboard, you must configure it with your own data set so it can display a chart.

You can edit the configuration of any MisoData widget you have configured yourself.

This task shows you how to:

Open the Wizard

You must use the wizard to configure or edit the configuration of MisoData.

First Configuration

Before you begin: If you opened the widget in preview mode on a dashboard on which you only have Reader rights, pin it to a dashboard on which you either have Owner or Contributor rights:
  1. On the widget's splash screen, click Pin to Dashboard.
  2. Select a dashboard and a tab.
  3. Click Add.
Recommendation: As configuring MisoData can be a long process, pin the widget by clicking Pin to dashboard from its header, even if the current dashboard allows you to configure it in preview mode. Otherwise, you will lose your configuration when you refresh your dashboard.
To open the wizard, do either of the following:
  • If no chart has ever been created, click Configure on the splash screen.
  • If you intend to configure MisoData with a 3DDrive file, you can directly drag this file on the splash screen.
    Tip: From the top bar, click Content to open your 3DDrive and access your file.

Step 1 - Select Data Type opens. For more information, see below.

Edit the Configuration

You can edit the configuration of any MisoData widget you have configured yourself.

Important: Any modifications you make to a MisoData widget are visible on all instances of the widget that have been created by sharing or duplicating it.

Click Menu > Edit .

Note: When editing a cloud-based or a 3DDrive-based MisoData, the preview displayed on the wizard may not accurately reflect the content of your MisoData because a temporary call is made to the source file. This file may contain updates that have not been mirrored in your MisoData because of its configuration. The call is discarded when you close the wizard.

The wizard opens in step 3 - Select range. You cannot edit steps 1 - Select data type and 2 - Import data.

For more information on step 3 - Select range, see below.

1 - Select Data Type

You must select the type of the data you are about to import when you are in step 1 - Select data type of the wizard.

Before you begin: Open the wizard.
Click Next on the data type that corresponds to the data you are about to import:
  • Quantitative Time-series to import a set of numerical values collected over a regular interval of time.
  • Quantitative Series to import a set of non-numerical values that are associated with a numerical value.
  • Qualitative Series to import a set of non-numerical values.

Tip: You can click See an example to see an example of the type of data expected to be imported for each option.

Step 2 - Import data opens. For more information about this step, see below.

2 - Import Data

You must select a data source and import a data set into MisoData when you are in step 2 - Import data of the wizard.

Your data set must follow some formatting rules to be successfully imported into MisoData. For more information, see About Data Set Formatting Rules.

Tip: You can only select one source and upload one data set per MisoData. You can however drag two MisoData widgets configured with different source types to create a Metrics Reader that will chart all the series, regardless of their source types. For more information, see Dragging to Compare.

Before you begin:
  1. Select a data type in step 1. For more information, see 1 - Select Data Type.
  2. Have a data set of yours that is either hosted on the cloud, copied into your clipboard, or stored on your 3DDrive.
  1. Do either of the following:
    • Select Cloud and enter the URL of a file hosted on the cloud. If access is protected, enter your credentials.
      Note: Your 3DEXPERIENCE platform must have access to the internet if the URL you entered points to a resource that is located on the internet.
    • Select Paste data and paste the data you have copied into your clipboard.
      Note: The field is filled with an example to show you the expected data format. Delete the example before pasting your data.
    • Select Dropped file and drag a file from your 3DDrive.
      Tip: From the top bar, click Content to open your 3DDrive and access your file.
      Notes: This option is:
      • Prefilled if you have opened the wizard by dragging a 3DDrive file.
      • Not available if 3DDrive is unavailable or disabled from your 3DEXPERIENCE platform environment.

    If import fails, see Troubleshooting for more information on the error messages.

  2. If a File type selection option has appeared, select the format of the file you imported in step 1.

    This option only appears when the type of your file could not be automatically detected by the wizard.

  3. Click Next.

Step 3 - Select range opens. For more information about this step, see below.

3 - Select Range

You must specify some information about the data you have imported. The information you must specify depends on the type of data you selected in step 1 - Select data type. There are three subsections below, one for each data type option. Refer to the subsection that corresponds to the type you have selected.

Select Range for Quantitative Time-Series

Before you begin:
  1. Click Next on Quantitative Time-Series in step 1 - Select data type. For more information, see 1 - Select Data Type.
  2. Import a data set in step 2. For more information, see 2 - Import Data.
  1. If you selected Cloud or Dropped file in step 2 - Import data, do both of the following:
    1. Select one of the following Update frequency options:

      • Manually to manually retrieve the new data from the cloud file. For more information, see Crawling Data and Displaying Crawl Logs.
      • Automatically every and specify the frequency with which MisoData must check the cloud file and retrieve the new data, if any.
        Note: If you are a 3DPassport Administrator, MisoData is not allowed to automatically crawl files. This option will result in an error. You can only crawl files manually.

    2. Select or clear the Reset data before updating box as follows:

      Option Description
      You select the Reset data before updating box. Whenever MisoData crawls the cloud file, it will both retrieve the new data, if any, and delete the data that may have been deleted from the cloud file.
      You clear the Reset data before updating box. Whenever MisoData crawls the cloud file, it will retrieve the new data, if any, but it will not delete any data from its chart, even if some data has been deleted from the cloud file.

    Note: The Update frequency section and Reset data before updating box do not appear if you selected Local file or Paste data in step 2 - Import data.

  2. In the Column field, either:
    • Enter * to chart all columns from your data set with MisoData.
    • Enter the data column number(s) of your data set that you want to chart with MisoData. For example, if your data set has one date column in column 1 and three data columns in columns 2, 3, and 4 but you only want to chart the first two data columns, enter 2,3.
  3. Click Advanced to specify the following information:
    1. From the Import timezone list, select the timezone of the dates contained in your data set.


      The preview always displays the dates in your local time zone. As a result, if you are located in a time zone that is different from the selected import time zone and you update the preview, the preview will convert and display all dates into your local time zone.

      For example, if a date of your data set is 01/01/01 00:00:00 and you select the import timezone to UTC while you are configuring MisoData from Paris, France during a summer day, the preview will display 01/01/01 02h.

      Once configured, the widget displays dates in the time zone that is selected in the widget preferences. For more information, see Editing Widget Preferences.

    2. In the Date column field, enter the column number that contains the dates on your data set.
    3. From the Date Format list, select the format of the dates contained in your data set.
  4. From the Show results as list, select a value to specify how you want the data to be computed in the Details tab of MisoData.

    Note: Show results as has no impact on the content of the chart. It is only displayed as information on MisoData's Details tab. You can even choose to hide this information when you are in step 4 - Customize of the wizard.

  5. Click Next.

Step 4 - Customize opens. For more information about this step, see below.

Select Range for Quantitative Series

Before you begin:
  1. Click Next on Quantitative Series in step 1 - Select data type. For more information, see 1 - Select Data Type.
  2. Import a data set in step 2. For more information, see 2 - Import Data.
  1. If you selected Cloud or Dropped file in step 2 - Import data, do both of the following:
    1. Select one of the following Update frequency options:

      • Manually to manually retrieve the new data from the cloud file. For more information, see Crawling Data and Displaying Crawl Logs.
      • Automatically every and specify the frequency with which MisoData must check the cloud file and retrieve the new data, if any.
        Note: If you are a 3DPassport Administrator, MisoData is not allowed to automatically crawl files. This option will result in an error. You can only crawl files manually.

    2. Select or clear the Reset data before updating box as follows:

      Option Description
      You select the Reset data before updating box. Whenever MisoData crawls the cloud file, it will both retrieve the new data, if any, and delete the data that may have been deleted from the cloud file.
      You clear the Reset data before updating box. Whenever MisoData crawls the cloud file, it will retrieve the new data, if any, but it will not delete any data from its chart, even if some data has been deleted from the cloud or 3DDrive file.

    Note: The Update frequency section and Reset data before updating box do not appear if you selected Local file or Paste data in step 2 - Import data.

  2. From the Column index list, select the column of your data set that will constitute the index column of your MisoData chart.
  3. In the Column field, either:
    • Enter * to chart all columns from your data set with MisoData.
    • Enter the column number(s) of your data set that you want to chart with MisoData. For example, if your data set has four columns in columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 but you only want to chart the first two columns, enter 1,2.
  4. From the Show results as list, select a value to specify how you want the data to be computed in the Details tab of MisoData.

    Note: Show results as has no impact on the content of the chart. It is only displayed as information on MisoData's Details tab. You can even choose to hide this information when you are in step 4 - Customize of the wizard.

  5. Click Next.

Step 4 - Customize opens. For more information about this step, see below.

Select Range for Qualitative Series

Before you begin:
  1. Click Next on Qualitative Series in step 1 - Select data type. For more information, see 1 - Select Data Type.
  2. Import a data set in step 2. For more information, see 2 - Import Data.
  1. If you selected Cloud or Dropped file in step 2 - Import data, do both of the following:
    1. Select one of the following Update frequency options:

      • Manually to manually retrieve the new data from the cloud file. For more information, see Crawling Data and Displaying Crawl Logs.
      • Automatically every and specify the frequency with which MisoData must check the cloud file and retrieve the new data, if any.
        Note: If you are a 3DPassport Administrator, MisoData is not allowed to automatically crawl files. This option will result in an error. You can only crawl files manually.

    2. Select or clear the Reset data before updating box as follows:

      Option Description
      You select the Reset data before updating box. Whenever MisoData crawls the cloud file, it will both retrieve the new data, if any, and delete the data that may have been deleted from the cloud file.
      You clear the Reset data before updating box. Whenever MisoData crawls the cloud file, it will retrieve the new data, if any, but it will not delete any data from its chart, even if some data has been deleted from the cloud file.

    Note: The Update frequency section and Reset data before updating box do not appear if you selected Local file or Paste data in step 2 - Import data.

  2. From the Column index list, select the column of your data set that will be charted by MisoData.

    MisoData can only chart one column of your data set.

  3. Click Next.

Step 4 - Customize opens. For more information about this step, see below.

4 - Customize

You can customize the look and feel of the chart when you are step 4 - Customize of the wizard.

Before you begin:
  1. Optional: For each series, you can click and do all of the following:
    1. Click the Colors square to change the color of the series.
    2. For Qualitative time-series, select Smooth curve and Linear regression to add statistical curves to the series.
    3. Depending on the Show results as value you selected in step 3 - Select range of the wizard, clear Total, Average, Maximum, or Minimum to hide the corresponding information from the Details tab.
  2. From the Credit section:
    1. In the Name field, enter the name of the owner of the data set you uploaded.
    2. In the Source URL field, enter any URL. For example, enter the source name's website URL, or the file URL if you uploaded a cloud file.
    Once the widget is configured, the name you entered is displayed right under the chart. If you entered a URL, you can click the name to open the URL in a new window.
    Note: Your 3DEXPERIENCE platform must have access to the internet if the URL you entered points to a resource that is located on the internet.
  3. Select the Chart Type of your choice.
  4. Click Finish.