Modifying Control Points

You can modify control points to change the shape of an existing curve.

Before you begin: Select a drawing plane and create a curve.
  1. From the Traces section of the action bar, tap Control Points .
    The polygon control is displayed in low light intensity.

    Options are available in the Graphic Properties frame at the right of the screen.

  2. Optional: Set your Trace options as desired.
    Opacity (%) Drag the slider or edit the value to define the opacity of the curve (as a percentage).
    Thickness (mm) Drag the slider or edit the value to define the curve thickness.
    Note: You can set your trace options at any time while tracing.
  3. Select a control point and drag it to change its position.

    The vector curve is modified.

    Note: The number of points is automatically computed. You can right-tap the curve and modify the precision, using either the slider or entering a value in the Precision box. The higher the number of points, the higher the precision.

    You can also locally activate or deactivate the auto-match by tapping , whatever the option set in Natural Sketch: General.

  4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as desired.