Support is provided for the minor/major functionality in the completion mechanisms provided by the Smart Completion command and Relations Navigator panel.
For multiple manufactured item roots, you must keep only one root that will receive the minor versions filter.
For the completion, several cases are possible. Also, depending on whether the completion is done from manufactured item to product or from product to manufactured item, the behavior is different. Note also that completion of the Manufacturing Finder session is not possible when several minor versions of an object are identified.
Completion from Manufactured Item to Product
A minor version of an object is identified when completing the Manufacturing Finder session and no minor filter is applied on the root: a minor filter is created on the root according to the minor version characteristics.
A minor version of an object is identified when completing the Manufacturing Finder session and a minor filter is applied on the root. If the filter contains a minor version of the same family, then it has to be the same as the minor version of the completion. Otherwise, a warning is issued to suggest modifying the current minor version filter.
Note that completion of the Manufacturing Finder session is not possible when several minor versions of an object are identified. A possible solution is to reduce the set of objects to be completed to avoid identifying several minor versions of an object during the completion.
Completion from Product to Manufactured Item
For the completion from product to manufactured item, the product can be implemented by manufactured item minor versions.
The behavior is different for user-defined completion and completion using the Relations Navigator.
Completion from Smart Completion and User-Defined Completion
Only the BSF minor version is kept and inserted in the Manufactured Item branch of the tree in the following conditions: several minor versions of an object are identified when completing the Manufacturing Finder session and no minor filter is applied on the root or the minor filter does not contain a minor version of the family.
Only the corresponding minor version is kept and inserted in the Manufactured Item branch of the tree in the following conditions: several minor versions of an object are identified when completing the Manufacturing Finder session and the applied minor filter on the root contains a minor version of the family.
Completion from the Relations Navigator
Minor versions of an object are displayed in the implementing column.
By double-clicking one of the implementing objects that contains a minor version, the manufactured item is updated with a compatible minor version filter or a warning is issued to indicate that the object cannot be inserted due to incompatible minor versions.