- In the search results, right-click the A0 product and select Explore in Manufacturing Finder.
- Expand the A0 product up to the leaf products.
- Select the root product and, using Ctrl, select the Manufactured Item fake node.
- Right-click the root product and select PPR Smart Completion.
- Expand the root product up to the Pdt2 product.
- Select the Pdt2 product and, using Ctrl, select the Manufactured Item fake node.
- Right-click the Pdt2 product and select PPR Smart Completion.
The implementing manufactured item branch containing the BSF minor version (that is, 001 SHARED) is displayed and a minor version filter is applied on the root manufactured item.

- From the Navigation section of the action bar, click Filter
to see the associated filter.The Filter dialog box appears.

- Select the root manufactured item, then click Apply in the dialog box.
- Redefine the minor filter.
- Select the non-BSF minor version (that is, with status equal to Others) of the Create A1 manufactured item.
- Select the Add check box in the dialog box.
- Select the Pdt2 product and, using Ctrl, select the Manufactured Item fake node.
- Right-click the Pdt2 product and select PPR Smart Completion.
The implementing manufactured item branch containing the minor version other than the BSF one (that is, 000 SHARED) is displayed according to the defined minor version filter on the manufactured item root.