About Technological Results

The Create Technological Results capability supplies technological information about the features included in a body. This topic provides you with the information you need to create technological results.

The following are discussed:

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating Technological Results

Generating Technological Results

To generate technological results, you need to apply the command to bodies.

Technological Results takes knowledge parameters as well as User Defined Features (UDF) into account.

Once Technological Results has been applied to holes and threads for which knowledge parameters were defined, the Technological Results node does not display nodes dedicated to this type of result. Conversely, nodes dedicated to UDFs are displayed in the Technological Results node.

Warning: Technological results cannot be generated on Geometrical Sets and Ordered Geometrical Sets.

Using User-Defined Features

Before applying Technological Results to UDFs, you must have created UDFs following these mandatory rules:

  • UDFs must be made of Assemble operations. For more information, see Assembling Bodies.
  • UDFs bodies must be hybrid bodies.
  • UDFS must include the PropagateTR parameter. This parameter must be located under the body and is valuated to True.
  • An axis system is directly aggregated under the body. The first axis system encountered will be the main axis system for the technological result propagation.
  • The technological definition of the UDF is defined by the parameters that are directly aggregated under the body. Only those parameters are saved by technological results mechanism. The technological definition can be empty (no parameter to save).

We strongly advise that you apply these rules to ensure that Technological Results generates the technological information properly. If only one of these conditions mentioned above is not fulfilled, the UDF does not save any technological results.

Technological Result Contents Specific to UDFs: The technological Information feature generated by an instance of a User-Defined Feature contains the following information:

  • Default position and orientation (generally defined by an Axis System).
  • Secondary position and orientation: position of the limit for a through hole, for example.
  • Associated faces.
  • Technological description: All the saved parameters that can be different from the published parameters.

Consequently, downstream apps can access all the information required to achieve their processes.

For more information, see 3D Templates Capture User's Guide: Creating and Using User Features.

Deactivating Technological Results

If after generating technological results you need to go on designing and updating your 3D shape, we advise you deactivate the technological results obtained. Deactivating generated technological results is a good way of reducing the time spent by the app in recalculating the changes made to the 3D shape. Keep in mind then, that to optimize your design, you can use the Deactivate capability available from context menus.

Deleting Technological Results

It is possible to reduce the number of technological results generated by applying the Delete capability. To delete a technological result node, right-click the node and select Delete. This might be useful especially if you do not want to make all technological information available to everybody and need to restrict the information you provide.

After deleting a technological result node, if later on you reapply Create Technological Results, the node you deleted is not recomputed. If you still need to retrieve that node, then use Reset Deleted Technological Result . To use that capability, right-click the Technological Results node and select Reset Deleted Technological Result from the context menu.

Recommendations of Use

Some recommendations while using this capability are as follows:

  • Downstream apps usually process root bodies. If intermediate bodies are not used, do not generate technological results for them. We advise that you generate technological results on root bodies only.
  • Generate technological results once you have finished your design.