- From the Refine section of the action bar, click Edge Fillet
Fillet the multiple edges as shown in the example.
To obtain the shape we need for our scenario,
select the edges counterclockwise.
- The shape style of the resulting corner is not satisfactory.
- Right-click the Blend corners box and select
Create by Edges or Vertex.
In this example, only one corner is detected.
The app shows it in the 3D.

- The setback distance determines for each edge a free
area measured from the vertex along the edge. In this area, the system
adds material so as to improve the corner shape.
- Enter required value in the setback distance box.
- Click Preview.
To edit the distance for a single edge, click the corresponding value and enter new value in the Setback distance box.
The setback distance for a single edge is changed. -
Repeat the operation for other edges also, if needed.
The corner is reshaped and now looks aesthetically satisfactory.