Creating Holes

You can create a hole on an object. You can also select the required hole standards and presets and create the hole.

Before you begin: Create an object. For example, a pad.

To access the App Options panel, from the Tools section of the action bar, select App Options .

See Also
About Holes
Creating Holes on Non-planar Faces
Locating Holes
Creating Threaded Holes
Creating Hole Standards
  1. From the Modelor the Essentials section of the action bar, click Hole .
  2. Select the required face on which you want to create the hole.

    A preview of the hole appears on the object. The sketcher grid appears to assist you position the hole.

  3. In the Hole.x dialog box,
    1. Select the required hole type from the list:

      Option Hole Type

      Simple hole
      Tapered hole

      Counter bored hole

      Counter sunk hole

      Counter drilled hole

    2. From the Geometric standard list, select the required hole standard, if applicable.

      • If you select a hole standard that contains thread parameters, the Thread mode list is deactivated.
      • If you set standards files in both Data Setup and installation directory, the standard files set in Data Setup are given priority.
      • The standards set using Data Setup are available only in the online mode.

    3. Select the required description from the Geometric description list, if applicable.
    4. Configure the standard parameters, as applicable.
    5. Select the required anchor point, as applicable.
  4. Configure the hole parameters.
  5. Optional: Select the Mechanical Interfaces tab and configure the parameters for generating tolerances and instantiating a mechanical interface template.
    1. Click , to check if an associated mechanical interface template is available.
    2. Click , if the generation of tolerances and annotations is not required.
    3. A list containing all the interface templates associated with the selected hole type or thread/tap with their name, type and nature is displayed. You can select the required check boxes to configure the interface template’s use (one time or always).
    4. Click to cancel the selection.
    An instance of the selected interface template is created on the hole or thread feature.
  6. Click OK.

    The hole is created. A hole node is added to the tree. In addition, the sketch that was used to create the hole also appears under the hole node in the tree.

    Note: You can click 3DMaster query in the App Options panel and move the mouse pointer over a hole in the 3D area or tree to view technological information in the tool tip.