Creating a Report Template

You can create a report template.

Only the principal steps are listed in this procedure; for detailed instructions, see Quality Rules Reuse User's Guide and Data Setup User's Guide.

The stages in this procedure are as follows:

Save a Style Sheet in CATIA

You can save a style sheet. The style sheet determines the look and feel of the user's report (color, font, font style, etc.).

  1. Open and edit an existing .xsl style sheet to suit your requirements (color, font, font style, etc.).
  2. Open the style sheet in CATIA:
    1. Select Add > Content.
      The New content dialog box appears.
    2. In the New dialog box, select VPM Document.
      The VPM Document and Select File dialog boxes appear.
    3. In the Select File dialog box, select your style sheet, and then click Save.
    4. In the VPM Document dialog box, enter a Name and Document Name and click OK.
      The new document is created in the PLM database.
  3. Optional: To modify the style sheet when it is in CATIA:
    1. Search for the document using vpmdoc: as the quick search criteria.
    2. In the search results list, right-click the document and select Check Out.

      Note: It is impossible to use Open for Edit; the file opens in the Windows default editor which is the web browser, and in this browser you cannot edit the file.

    3. Edit the document to suit your requirements using a dedicated .xsl editing software.
    4. In the search results list, right-click the document and select Check In.

After you have saved your style sheet, associate the style sheet to the resource set Style Sheet for report generation in Data Setup.

Define a Report Template

You can define a report template. The report template determines the layout of the user's report.

  1. From the Compass, click Quality Rules Reuse.
    The Quality Rules Reuse app opens.
  2. From the Know-how Reuse section of the action bar, click Report Definition .
    The Report Template Definition dialog box appears.
  3. In the Report Definition area of the dialog box, enter a Report name and Report title and select the style sheet you saved previously.
  4. In the Attribute Definition area of the dialog box, select the required options and then select the Type and Attribute from the lists. If required, create Expressions.

    List of types and associated attributes for piping:

    Piping Part Rigid Pipe Flexible Pipe Insulation Equipment or Support Piping Line
    Part Type Nominal Bend Radius Length Thickness Sub-Type Standard
    Sub-Part Type Length Operating Temperature Type Nominal Size
    Nominal Size Node Positions Operating Pressure Length Operating Temperature
    End Style Node Bend Radius Linear Weight Linear Weight Operating Pressure
    Rating Node Bend Angles Pipe Specifications
    Standard Segment Straight Lengths Pipe Insulation Specification
    Material Name Linear Weight
    Outside Diameter
    Wall Thickness

  5. In the Attribute Management area of the dialog box, enter the required options for sorting, grouping, operations, etc.
  6. Optional: In the Object Filter area of the dialog box, choose an attribute type in the list, click Create Filter.
  7. Optional: In the Attribute Filter dialog box, define your filter.
  8. In the Report Generation Parameters area of the dialog box, enter the required options.
  9. Optional: Click Report Preview to see a preview of the report.
  10. Click Save.

After you have saved your report,associate the report to the resource set Report Template Definition Catalog in Data Setup.

Associate Files in Data Setup

You can associate a style sheet and a report template to their respective resource sets in the Data Setup app.

  1. From the Compass, click Data Setup.
    The Data Setup app opens.
  2. In the Setup Data Tables tab, right-click Style Sheet for report generation, select Create a new Resource Table, enter a name in the dialog box and click OK.
    The Application Resource Table dialog box appears. The table contains a single line: Style sheet.
  3. In the Resource column, double-click <Unset> and select the style sheet you previously saved.
  4. In the Application Resource Table, click OK.
    The resource is added as a subitem under Style Sheet for report generation.
  5. Repeat the steps 2 to 4, this time associating your Report Template to the Report template definition catalog.
  6. Save your changes to the database when finished.