Applying Material to Routables

You can apply a material to a route. In Piping & Tubing Design, material also functions as a filtering criterion for tables used for routing a pipe/tube and assigning end style to a pipe/tube.

This task shows you how to:

Add Material

You can add material in Data Setup.

Before you begin: Create all material objects you need and save them. For more information, see Material Definition User's Guide.
  1. Create supporting tables, such as Pipe Reference Dimension, Turn Rules, Minimum Straight Length, and Pipe Fabrication End Style tables. For more information, see Engineering Rules Capture User's Guide. The image below gives an example of the Pipe Reference Dimension table.

    Important: Ensure that names in the DS_Material column of the tables match the material names in the database.
  2. Assign these tables to relevant set up data by using Data Setup. For more information, see Data Setup User's Guide.

Apply Material to a Route

When you select standard in the Routing Information dialog box, supporting tables and design rules are filtered based on the selected standard. You can assign material to the route by selecting the appropriate row from the Pipe Reference Table.

  1. From the Fluid Design section of the action bar, click Rigid Pipe or Tube .
    The Rigid Pipe dialog box appears.
    Important: To display the Rigid Pipe dialog box, the Set attribute at creation option must be selected. For more information, see Create a New Object in the 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps guide.
  2. Enter details and click OK.
  3. Click Select > Edit Properties in the context toolbar.

    The Routing Definition dialog box appears.

  4. Click Route Size Table .

    The Pipe Reference Dimension table appears.

  5. Select a row in the table and click OK.

    In the Route Information dialog box, Material, Nominal Size, Diameter, and Wall Thickness show values selected in the Pipe Reference Dimension table. Based on the material and nominal size selected in the Pipe Reference Dimension table, the Minimum Straight Length and Total Length tables are filtered and the corresponding Route Bend Radius and Directional Length values are displayed in the Route Information dialog box.

  • The Material column is optional in these tables. You will be able to route a pipe/tube even if you do not apply material to the pipe/tube. In this case, Nominal Size alone will be used as the filtering criteria.
  • The End Style material is determined when choosing the material for the route.