Routing a Flexible Pipe/Tube to a Port

You can route a flexible pipe/tube to a part or to a support using the Port command.

This task shows you how to:

Route between Two Parts

You can route a pipe/tube between two parts or to a part.

  1. In the Data Information panel, select Flexible as Route Type.
  2. From the Fluid Design section of the action bar, click Create Route .
  3. Click Select > Port in the context toolbar.
  4. Optional: On the context toolbar, click Get Data From Selection to enable the editing of the directional length once the route is created.
    For more information, see Editing Properties of Flexible Routes.
  5. Select the part or the support from which you want to route.
    All the ports appear.
  6. Select a port.
  7. Select the part or the support you want to route to.
    All the ports appear.
  8. Select a port.
    The flexible pipe/tube is created between the two ports.

Route through a Support

You can route a flexible pipe/tube through a support.

Before you begin: Open a product containing a support.
  1. In the Data Information panel, select Flexible as Route Type.
  2. From the Fluid Design section of the action bar, click Create Route .
  3. Click Select > Port > Create directional point at port selection .
    The Create directional point at port selection option enables you to add a directional point to define a straight portion on the flexible route between the port and the directional point.
    Note: Click Do not create directional point at port selection if you do not want to add a straight portion.
  4. Click the support you want to route the flexible pipe/tube through.
    The Straight Distance from Port dialog box appears.
  5. Type a distance value.
  6. Select the port of the support.
    The directional point is created at the distance you defined.
    Important: To change the value of the straight distance, select the directional point and drag the Robot until the ruler displays the right value.