Mesh Part Manager
List of mesh parts and local mesh specifications that allows editing.
About the Mesh.
Local Mesh Size
Defines the mesh density for local regions.
Defining a Local Mesh.
Project Curves
Projects curves onto the mesh to enforce node creation along those curves.
Projecting Curves.
Imposed Points
Projects points onto the mesh to enforce node creation at those locations.
Imposing Points.
Create Mesh
Generates the mesh for each part based on its mesh setup and any additional mesh constraints.
About the Mesh.
Show Non-Conformal Meshes
Highlights the non-conformal elements between part surfaces that are coincident.
See Showing Non-Conformal Meshes.
Mesh Capture Order
Specifies which part projects its mesh onto other parts when attempting to create a conformal mesh between them.
See Defining the Mesh Capture Order.
- See Flyout for Finding Contacting Bodies.