Milestone Tracks

The Milestone Tracks page for a model version revision or model lists each track (a discipline) and all the milestones for those tracks.

Only Configuration Managers can edit the milestone discipline.

If a milestone does not have a discipline defined, that is, the discipline shows as "None", then that milestone does not show on the Milestone Tracks page. The Milestone Tracks page for a model only includes those tracks that have explicitly been published from the model version to the model. You only see this page for a model if the milestone tracks for model version revisions belonging to that model have been published.

To access this page for a model:

  1. Open the required model. See Opening a Model.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Milestone Tracks.

To access this page for a model version:

  1. Open the required model version. See Opening a Model Version.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Planning.
  3. Click the Milestone Tracks page tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


For a track, only the name column shows a value. The remaining columns show values for milestones. For convenience, the page groups the milestones by track, but you can change the grouping.

Column NameDescription
NameThe name of the track and each milestone defined for that track. Click a milestone name to view the WBS for that milestone.
StateThe current lifecycle state for the milestone.
DateThe estimated end date for an incomplete milestone, or the actual end date for a completed milestone.
DisciplineThe name of the discipline, which is the same name as the milestone track.
OwnerThe person responsible for the milestone.
Model Version

Only shows on the Milestone Tracks page for a model.

The model version revision where this milestone applies. Click the name to view the Properties page for the model version revision.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action NameDescription
Publish to Model

Only shows on the Milestone Tracks page for a model version revision.

Select the milestone tracks (disciplines) to connect to the model, then click Submit. The app then enforces the Finish-Finish dependency between each milestone based on the milestone date.

After you publish a milestone track:

  • Any milestones added to this discipline are automatically published to the model.
  • You cannot change the discipline for any milestone in that track.