Merging Routes Using Exposed Connectors

You can merge routes ending by an exposed sheet connector and located in different systems, by modifying and opening only one system.

Before you begin:
  • Under the logical root, create two systems (System1 and System2).
  • In each systems, create an equipment.
  • In two different diagram views, each equipment is connected by a route which ends as an exposed sheet connector.
For more information, see Creating Exposed Ports.
See Also
Removing Exposed Ports
Creating Exposed Ports
  1. From System1, click the exposed sheet connector to connect, and click Link OffSheet Using Exposed Ports.
  2. In the Select System to list Exposed Ports dialog box, select System2 in the list.

    Note: The list displays all the systems contained in the logical root.

  3. Clik OK.
  4. In the Select Exposed Port dialog box, select the required exposed port.

    Note: Only compatible exposed ports are displayed.

  5. Click OK.

The two routes are merged:

  • The routable from System1 is deleted in the tree.
  • The routable from System2 refers to the route connected to the exposed port.
Note: You can break a route and disconnect the paired exposed connectors by using the Unlink OffSheet Routables command. For more information, see Break Routes with Sheet Connectors.