Human Properties

Human properties are managed through the Properties panel. You can view and modify them.

Note: This feature is available only when you have the appropriate role.

This page discusses:

See Also
Properties Panel


Name Defines the name of the human actor.
Description Describes the human actor.
Asset Displays the name of the asset.

Click the […] button to open the human actor in the dedicated app.

Selectable Defines whether or not the human actor can be selected.
Note: This property is available in presentation mode only.


Visible Defines whether or not the human actor is visible.
Applied material Defines whether or not a material is applied to the human actor.
  • No Material: no material is applied to the actor.
  • Material's Name: provides a light preview and the name of the material.
To edit the material, you need to first expose the material in the experience or apply a new material.


Position Defines the position of the human actor in the parent coordinate system (X, Y, Z).
Note: Values are in mm.
Rotation Defines the rotation of the human actor in the parent coordinate system (X, Y, Z).
Note: Values are in degrees.
Scale Defines the uniform scale factor of the human actor.

Pivot Axis

Position Defines the position of the human actor's pivot axis in the parent coordinate system (X, Y, Z).

For more information, see Defining a Pivot Axis for an Actor.

Rotation Defines the rotation of the human actor's pivot axis in the parent coordinate system (X, Y, Z).
Note: Values are in degrees.

For more information, see Defining a Pivot Axis for an Actor.


Variant/variant line name Specifies the variant or the variant line triggered by this human actor at Play time.