About the Structure Tree

The Structure Tree displays the system to be analyzed with the similar expandable structure as in the authoring tool. Depending on the associated templates, some created Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety (RAMS) objects are added to the Structure Tree.

This page discusses:

See Also
Opening an Environment
About PRA Templates
In Other Guides
Modifying Immersive Panels


The structure corresponding to the system is displayed in an immersive panel, which can be moved, resized, and docked to the widget.

The Show/Hide Failure Modes command lets you display or hide failure modes inserted in the tree.


Expanding the nodes in the Structure Tree reveals:

  • The subcomponents of any component.
  • The PRAs associated with a component.
  • The functions the component implements either directly or in context.
Note: If the elements are revised, their names are appended with the revision number. If an associated table is revised, all the revisions are presented in the Structure Tree.

The following elements appear in the Structure Tree:

Logical Reference
For a PRA, the logical system architecture is the backbone of a study. Open at least one logical reference to start a PRA. The root architecture reference is displayed, along with its children instances. The PRA elements point to different parts of this architecture.
RAMS Objects
The following icons represent the Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety (RAMS) objects and are displayed in the Structure Tree.
Icon RAMS Object

PRA table

PRA reference table

Failure mode

Customized Labels

By default, the labels of PLM objects are based on the identification of components of the system by listing the elements of the hierarchy of subsystems and components. The Administrator can customize these labels.