Analysis Disc

The Analysis Disc options let you customize axes, colors, visibility, and spot gun parameters when using the Analysis Disc in Robot Spot Simulation and Tool Analysis.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Analysis Disc


Axis Tool Rotation

Specifies the direction about which the tool rotates when analyzing a location.

Axis of Approach

Specifies the direction about which the device approaches the location. If the approach direction points away from the device, specify a positive axis (+X, +Y, +Z). Otherwise, specify a negative axis.

Analysis Disc Colors

Indicates the current color that represents a Reachable zone. Click the color swatch to specify a different color.
Not Reachable
Indicates the current color that represents a Not Reachable zone. Click the color swatch to specify a different color.
Indicates the current color that represents a Clash zone. Click the color swatch to specify a different color.
Not Computed
Indicates the current color that represents a Not Computed zone. Click the color swatch to specify a different color.

Analysis Disc Visibility

View Analysis Disc on top of Everything
When selected, shows the Analysis Disc on top of all other objects in the work area.
Disc Radius
Specifies the radius of the displayed disc.
Specifies the level of transparency of the displayed disc. The disc becomes transparent when the mouse hovers over it, or when the tool is rotated about the disc.
Disc Thickness
Specifies the thickness of the displayed disc.
Ring Width
Specifies the width of the travel limits ring displayed on the disc.

Spot Gun Parameters

Tabulate Tool Positions in Anaysis Disc Panel
When selected, analyzes tool positions and tabulates information pertaining to their reachability.
When selected, enables tool reach evaluation of clearance condition, and allows you to specify the clearance of the Lower Tip and Upper Tip of the gun from the target point.
When selected, enables tool reach evaluation of abrasion condition, and allows you to specify the abrasion of the Lower Tip and Upper Tip of the gun from the target point.