Searching Using Volumic Search

With the Volumic Search command, you can search 3D objects in the structure, and explore them in the navigation view without expanding and navigating through the whole structure.

  1. Optional: By default, the Volumic Search context is the root node. To define another Volumic Search context:
    1. Select a 3D node.
    2. From the View section of the action bar, click Set as Active Level .
  2. From the Navigation section of the action bar, click Volumic Search .
    The selected 3D object is displayed in the Volumic Search view.
  3. From the context toolbar, select a selection mode and make an initial selection.
    • Pick Selector

      By default, this selection mode is active.

      1. Drag over different components of the object. The currently preselected component is rendered in solid form as you drag the mouse over the different components and its name is indicated.
      2. Click to select a component. The selected product is indicated in the 3D.
    • Sphere Selector
      1. Drag to define a sphere. A sphere appears. The number of products that are considered to be in the current sphere is indicated at the upper-left corner.
      2. Move the pointer around the sphere. Arrows appear indicating the activation of handles that can be used to resize the sphere.
      3. Drag one of the handles to resize the sphere. The sphere is resized accordingly.
      4. To redefine the radius value:
        1. Double-click in the work area anywhere not on the representations. A control appears in which you can explicitly redefine the sphere radius.
        2. Click the radius value, edit the value and press Enter. The sphere is dimensioned accordingly.
      5. To translate the sphere (maintaining its dimensions), drag the Robot along one of the axes X, Y or Z.
    • Box Selector
      1. Drag around the representation to define a bounding box. A bounding box is displayed. The number of products that are in the bounding box is indicated at the upper-left corner.
      2. To resize the bounding box:
        1. Move the pointer around the bounding box. Arrows appear indicating the activation of handles that can be used to resize the bounding box. The dimension of the bounding box in this handle's direction is displayed.
        2. Drag one of the handles. The bounding box is resized.
          Note: Only the selected face moves.

          Additional options are:

          • Ctrl+Drag: Resizes the box symmetrically with constant center (the Robot doesn't move)
          • Shift+Drag: translates the entire box (equivalent to translating with the Robot)

      3. To redefine the bounding box length:
        1. Double-click in the work area, anywhere but not on the representations. A control appears in which you can explicitly redefine the bounding box length in the direction of the most recently activated arrow.
        2. Click the length value, edit the value and press Enter. The bounding box is dimensioned accordingly.
      4. To translate the bounding box (maintaining its dimensions):
        1. Drag the Robot along one of the axes X, Y or Z.
        2. Rotate the bounding box by dragging one of the Robot arcs.
    • Proximity Selector
      1. Click an object. A selection volume appears around the selected object. The number of products that are in the volume is indicated at the upper-left corner.
      2. Move the pointer around the selection volume. Arrows appear indicating the activation of handles that can be used to resize the selection volume.
      3. To resize the selection volume, drag one of the handles. The selection volume is resized accordingly.
      4. To redefine the clearance value:
        1. Double-click in the work area, anywhere but not on the representations. A control appears to let you redefine the clearance value.
          Note: When you launch the Proximity Selector command, the default Clearance value is always the same, even if you modified the Clearance value the previous time you used the command.
        2. Click the radius value, edit the value and press Enter. The selection volume is dimensioned accordingly.
    • Zone Selector
      Note: This command appears only if a 3D object is displayed that has a zone defined. To create zones, see Methodology for Creating Zones.
      1. Drag until the desired zone is indicated as preselected. The selected zone is highlighted and the number of products belonging to the zone is indicated at the upper-left corner.
      2. Click Validate to exit the Volumic Search view. The selected objects are displayed in the navigation view.
      Important: If an attribute filter is applied to the product structure, it is not applied in the Volumic Search view. In such case, when you exit the Volumic Search view:
      • The attribute filter is applied to the branches that were selected during the Zone Query.
      • Any branch of which the terminal part doesn't respect the filter is not displayed.
      • If an object selected during the Zone Query does not satisfy the attribute filter, a message appears.
  4. To define a selection option, select a command on the context toolbar:
    • Partly In : Elements that intersect and are inside the volume

      By default, this selection option is active.

    • Fully In : Elements that are inside the volume
    • Partly Out : Elements that intersect and are outside of the volume
    • Fully Out : Elements that are outside of the volume

    • These options are available only for Sphere Selector and Box Selector.
    • For Proximity Selector or Zone Selector, only the Partly In option is available.
    • For Pick Selector, there is no option.

  5. Perform your selection.

    • By default, the Visualization Refresh mode is active. It means that when you turn the 3D object, data are automatically downloaded to display the visible face of your 3D model. To stop this mode, click Stop Visualization Refresh on the context toolbar. If needed, you can restart this mode using Start Visualization Refresh.
    • If you need to reset your selection, click Cancel on the context toolbar.

  6. Click Validate to exit the Volumic Search view.
    The navigation view appears. The selected objects are displayed on the turn table and their structure is expanded in the tree.
    Note: In the tree, nodes are indicated by a '.' dot symbol instead of '+'. This indicates that the branch only contains a subset of its sub-branches.