Business Goals Dashboards

The goal dashboard page lets you capture metrics for a business goal.

To access this page:

View the basic information for the business goal. See Business Goal Properties Page. In the navigation pane, click Metrics.

This topic describes:

See Also
Editing a Business Goal


Dashboard NameDescription

Business Goal Name

The name of the goal.

If the goal has subgoals, click to expand the list of subgoals under it.

Project Count

The number of projects being aggregated.

Fiscal Year

The year the goal is effective for. This column is typically the same for a goal and all its subgoals. This column indicates that the partial results are based on the financial data reported for that year. For convenience, the total project cost and benefits are also displayed.

Planned (Partial):

These amounts are listed:
  • Cost. The planned cost of the project.
  • Benefit. The benefit accrued from the project.
  • Net. Benefit minus Cost.

Planned (Total):

These amounts are listed:
  • Cost. The total planned cost of the project.
  • Benefit. The benefit accrued from the project.
  • Net. Benefit minus Cost.

Actual (Partial):

These amounts are listed:
  • Cost. The actual cost of the project.
  • Benefit. The benefit accrued from the project.
  • Net. Benefit minus Cost.

Actual (Total):

These amounts are listed:
  • Cost. The actual total measured cost of the project.
  • Benefit. The benefit accrued from the project.
  • Net. Benefit minus Cost.

Note: Red numbers in parentheses indicate negative numbers.