Projects Summary Report

You can view charts about project information for a particular program. Only Project Leads can view these charts.

This page discusses:

To view the report:

From the Compass, click Program > Programs. On the Programs page, click the name of a program. Or when viewing a program's properties, in the navigation pane, click Projects Summary Report.

The report consists of columns for basic project information and five charts:

  • Pending Tasks
  • Pending Deliverables
  • Pending Issues
  • Assessments
  • Efforts

The report excludes data from projects in the Hold, Cancel, Complete, and Archive states.

The charts on the right of the page provide links to detailed information on the left.

To collapse or expand a particular chart, click the expand arrow to the right or Hide Panel. You can hide the charts panel (all charts) by clicking the arrow icon at the top of the panel.


Name Description


The name of the project. Click to view the Dashboard for the project.
The state of the project.

Current Phase

Identifies the current Milestone, Phase, or Tollgate the project is in, which is the first incomplete, top-level task. The top-level task's estimated End Date is used to determine the Current Phase. To get information about the current phase, click the name of the task. If all tasks are complete, the current phase is the last top-level task. Click to view the schedule for the listed phase or task. .
Type The type of object.
Status The lifecycle status of the project.


The name of the owner of the project.
Collaborative Space The collaborative space used for the program.
Estimated Finish Date The estimated finish date for the project.
Actual Finish Date The actual finish date for the project.
Originated The date on which the project was created.
Program The program associated with the project.
Description The program description.

Pending Tasks

In the panel, you can view pending tasks by due date category. Pending tasks are any tasks not in the complete state.

You can click these links to view pending tasks that are due:

  • This week
  • This Month
  • Next 30 Days
  • Overdue

The page displays the following columns for each task:

Column Definition
Name The task name.
The state of the task.
The number of deliverables for the task.
Slip Days The number of days that the task is late.
State The lifecycle state of the task.
% Complete The percentage completed for the task. You can change the percentage by clicking the bar.
Project The project this task belongs to.
Est Start The estimated start date of the task.
Estimated Finish Date The estimated finish date of the task.
Act Finish The actual finish date of the task.
Program The program that the project belongs to.

Pending Deliverables

The panel shows pending deliverables. Pending deliverables are deliverables of tasks and phases that are not in the complete state.

You can click these links to view pending deliverables that are due:

  • This week
  • This Month
  • Next 30 Days
  • Overdue

The page displays the following columns for each deliverable:

Column Definition
Name The deliverable name.
Title The title of the deliverable.
The files for the deliverable. Click the deliverable icon to open or save the files. If you hover over a deliverable icon a tooltip will display the names of the files.
State The lifecycle state of the deliverable.
Rev The revision of the deliverable.
Ver The version number of this deliverable.
Type The type of the deliverable.
Task Name The name of the task that the deliverable is attached to.
Description The description of the deliverable.

Pending Issues

The panel shows pending issues for each project.

You can click these links to view pending issues that are due:

  • This week
  • This Month
  • Next 30 Days
  • Overdue

The page displays the following columns for each issue:

Column Definition
Name The issue name.
The state of the issue.
Type The type of issue.
Description The issue description.
State The lifecycle state of the issue.
Escalation Required Whether the issue requires escalation.
Estimated The estimated start and finish dates for the issue.
Actual The actual start and finish dates for the issue.
Reported Against The project this issue is reported against.
Owner The owner of the issue.
Priority The issue priority.

Assessments Chart

The panel includes an assessment chart that indicates the health of a project.

In the chart, each bar represents the last assessment made for that project. If there are no assessments, there is no bar chart for that project.

The chart shows the assessment status for each of the 5 attributes defined on the assessment:

  • Summary
  • Resource
  • Schedule
  • Finance
  • Risk

For each attribute, these colors indicate the status of the assessment:

  • Red indicates that the project needs immediate attention.
  • Orange indicates the project is on schedule but has a high risk that must be watched and managed.
  • Green indicates the project is in good shape.

If there is no color-coding, no overall status has been assigned.

If you click on any of the 5 columns, the assessment table of that project will be displayed in the table on the left.

You can hover over the icons to see the assessment date and comments.

The details section displays the following columns for each assessment:

Column Definition
Name The assessment name.

Click to subscribe to assessment notifications.
Author The author who created the assessment.
Role The author's role in the project.
Date The date of the assessment.
Resource The status of the project's resources. See above for the meaning of the color-coding.
Schedule The status of the project's schedule. See above for the meaning of the color-coding.
Finance The status of the project's finances. See above for the meaning of the color-coding.
Risk The status of the project's risks. See above for the meaning of the color-coding.

Efforts Charts

The panel includes efforts in the actual, planned, and progress states for each project.

In the chart, each row represents the actual, progress and planned effort for the project.

  • Actual. The days of effort that have been submitted through weekly time sheets against the task.
  • Progress. Calculated by multiplying the planned effort by the percent complete of the assigned tasks.
  • Planned. The total number of days planned for all tasks in the project. Only tasks that have been assigned are considered as planned and used in this calculation.

Using the Efforts chart, you can compare the planned efforts against the actual efforts (driven by the weekly time sheets) and the expected effort based on the project progress (determined by the percent complete information).

You can hover over the bars to see the real numbers of the actual, progress, and planned efforts.

The details section displays the following columns for each effort:

Column Definition
Name The effort name.
Approval The Week Ending date is for the effort submission. A week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday, making Saturday the week ending day.

The State of the task or effort.

Efforts (Hrs) The efforts in Pending, Planned, Total, and Remaining states for each task. For more information, see Efforts Page.
% Complete The percentage of the effort that is completed. For the algorithms used to calculate % completed, see Efforts Page.
End Date The Estimated and Predicted end dates. For more information, see Efforts Page.
Weekly Details The efforts in hours for each day in the week.