Editing Project Preferences

For each project and project concept, the project owner and members with Project Lead access can define general behaviors in projects. Preferences include alert notices, scheduling behaviors, effort settings, and lag calendar.

Before you begin: View projects. See Projects Page.
  1. Click the name of a project.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Details > Preferences.

    If you are the owner of the project or have Project Lead access, the fields are editable. If not, you can only view the preferences set by the owner.

  3. On the page toolbar, click Edit .
  4. Choose values for the preferences:

    Enable Approval. A value of TRUE enables the approval process for an experiment project before it can be synced with its root project.

    Schedule Based On. Select whether the project is scheduled based on Estimated start/end dates or Actual start/end dates. If set to Actual, when actual dates are entered for a task, the project schedule is automatically recalculated.

    When set to Actual, the following behavior occurs:

    • As tasks start or complete, the actual start and finish dates also reflect as the estimated dates. The actual dates are copied to the estimated fields reflecting actual dates.
    • The schedule recalculates, taking into account the actual dates that are now reflected as estimated dates for those tasks that are started and completed.
    • When a task is completed, the estimated duration of the task is overwritten reflecting the actual duration of the task taking into account the actual start and finish dates. The duration unit is maintained when the duration is updated to reflect the actual duration.
    • Tasks that are started or completed after normal working hours (for example, before 8 AM or after 5 PM) are not counted toward the duration and those dates are rounded to the next available working hours.
    • The time for tasks started or completed between normal working hours (for example, between 8 AM to 5 PM) will be set as the Work Start Time (for example, 8 AM) for the Actual Start Date and the Work Finish Time (for example, 5 PM) for the Actual End Date.
    • Dependencies and constraints are ignored while calculating dates when a task has an Actual Start Date.

    Schedule. Choose whether the rollup of tasks is done Auto or Manual. When you select "Manual," task dates are accepted as entered. Adjustments in children tasks do not modify parent tasks or related dependent tasks. To roll up to the related tasks in the schedule, a Project Leader clicks the Rollup icon on the project schedule toolbar.

    Note the following behaviors for "Manual" rollup:
    • The rollup icon appears only when the project schedule mode is “Manual."
    • This capability is available only for projects and does not apply to individual tasks, nor to related projects or subprojects that may have dependencies to and from the project. Manual rollup is not available for experiment or baseline projects. It is not available for projects in the Gantt chart.
    • Changes done in a predecessor task do not propagate to the successor task.
    • Constraint Type and Date are retained and these columns are read-only; however, these values can get updated as a result of changes in the Estimated Start/End Date. Constraint Type/Date values are not considered while changing the estimated duration/start/finish dates of the task.
    • Manual rollup is available on cloud and mobile.

    Percent complete based on. Choose whether project completion percent is computed by task Duration or Weightage. Only available in Planning View for a project that is "In Work."

    The project schedule and Gantt chart reflect the same percent completed, based either on duration or weightage. Because a subproject can be added under multiple projects, the percent complete of a subproject is based on its own preference setting. However, for a root project, a subproject contributes based on its weightage for the root project.

    The following behaviors apply for "Weightage":

    • You specify the task weight, in the Planning view of the Structured View for a project. See Working the Structured View.
    • When only a few tasks have 0 weightage, if all the tasks except 0 weightage tasks are completed, the percent complete of the project is set to 99%.
    • When all tasks have 0 weightage, the parent task/project percent complete is set to 100% only when the last task is completed. Until then, the percent complete of the parent task/project shows as 0%.
    • A project that is created from a project template has project tasks with the same weightage as the tasks in the project template.
    • When a project baseline is created, "Project Baseline" tasks have the same weightage as those of the "Project Space" tasks.
    • Summary task completion based on weightage is calculated as follows:
      Table 1. Summary Task Example
      Weightage % Complete
      Task-1 40 42
      Task-11 40 30
      Task-12 60 50

      The % complete of summary task Task1 = Sum of the multiplication of child tasks weightage and % Complete / Sum of weightages of child tasks. In the above example, the calculation for the completion of the summary task would be:

      ((40*30)+(60*50))/(40+60) = 42. Therefore, the % complete for Task-1 is 42.

    Duration Unit. From the list, choose Days or Hours as the project's default duration unit. The unit is pre-selected with Days (but editable) when creating tasks. Does not show for a task.

    Note: If you change the Duration Unit from Days to Hours, only the estimated days are converted to hours and not the actual days. On the schedule page, the hours are displayed for the estimated duration only for the project row and summary tasks and not for all tasks.

    Send Reminder. From the list, choose the number of days before or after the project due date that you want to send reminders. If you do not want to send reminders, choose Do not send reminder.

    Recurrence Interval. From the list, choose how often you want to send reminders after the initial reminder. These intervals are relative to the date chosen in the Send Reminder list. If you do not want to send reminders, choose Do not send additional reminders. Reminders are only sent if the project is not completed.

    Lag Calendar. For projects in the "Preliminary" or "Ready" state, you can select a lag calendar. The lag calendar is used to calculate the delayed start and estimated end date of dependent tasks in a project. The tasks of subproject use the lag calendar preference of the subproject and not the root project.

    • Predecessor Task Calendar. Calculates lag based on the predecessor task. For example, for a lag of 2 days, there is a delay of 2 days after the completion of the predecessor task before the successor task can begin.
    • Successor Task Calendar. Calculates lag based on the successor task. For example, for a lag of 2 days, there is a delay of 2 days after the completion of the successor task.
    • Project Default Calendar. Calculates lag based on the project default calendar.

    Note: When the Schedule is set to "Manual," a manual refresh action is required after any preference or dependency changes. When set to "Auto," the changes cause a rollup action.
    Note: If any change occurs to the calendar of the task, you need to refresh manually or modify the task date. This executes a rollup using the latest calendar settings.

    Resource Plan Mode. Sets the default value for the page view to either Timeline or Phase. Once a resource plan under a project has one or more resource requests defined, this setting is no longer editable.

    Effort Settings. The following items control efforts on a project:

    • Effort Notifications. Select TRUE to enable email notification when efforts are submitted for approval.
    • Effort Submission. Select whether efforts are submitted at the Task level or Phase level.

    Assigned Task Notification Setting. The following items control notifications for assigned tasks:

    • Send Reminder. From the list, choose the number of days before or after the task due date that you want reminders to be sent. If you do not want to send reminders, choose Do not send reminder.
    • Recurrence Interval. From the list, choose how often you want to send reminders after the initial reminder. These intervals are relative to the date chosen in the Send Reminder list. If you do not want to send reminders, choose Do not send additional reminders. You receive reminders only if the task is not completed.

    My Default Category and Tab. The following items determine the default category and tab that you see after you select a project:

    • Default Category. If you select Default, you see the project dashboard highlighted in the navigation pane and the Schedule Status tab selected. If you select Schedule, you see Schedule selected in the navigation pane and you can select one of the schedule tabs in the Default Tab field.
    • Default Tab. If you selected Schedule as the Default Category, select one of these tabs to display: Structured View, Flattened View, or Gantt Chart.

  5. Click Done.