Creating a Budget for a Project Template

A project budget can be connected to a project template and the budget structure replicated when a project is created from the template. The structure sets the interval periods for the budget and determines whether the budget structure in the template can be changed.

Before you begin: The project template must exist. See Creating or Copying a Project Template.
  1. From the navigation pane on the Schedule page for the project template, click Budget.
  2. On the Project Template Budget page, click Create Budget.
  3. Enter these details as required:

    Name. The Name of the budget or check AutoName to have the system assign the name.

    Interval Period. Select the interval for showing budget amounts.

    Template Enforcement. Indicates whether the budget structure (cost categories and cost items) can be modified. TRUE does not allow the budget structure to be modified. FALSE allows modification to the budget structure.

    On premises only: This attribute is based on a property setting that determines whether you can change this attribute.

    Notes. Any notes about the budget.

  4. Click OK.

    The budget plan displays on the Project Template Budget page for the project template.