Creating Risks

The project owner and people assigned Project Lead access to the project can create risks for a project.

Before you begin: View the list of risks (project or task) where you want to create the risk. See Risks and Risk Factors Page.
  1. Click Actions > Create Risk .
  2. Enter these details:

    Type. The type of object, typically Risk.

    Title. Enter a name for the risk.

    Policy. Select the Project Risk policy.

    Description. A brief description of the risk.


    • Public. Anyone who can view the project can view the risk.
    • Restricted. The risk owner, assignees, project owner, and project leads can view the risk.

    Measure of Success. A clear way to determine if risk has been avoided.

    Abatement Plan. An alternative plan to continue the project or task if risk is not avoided.

    Estimated Start Date. A guideline indicating when the risk owner expects the risk assignee to begin to resolve the issue. Click to select a date.

    Estimated Finish Date. A guideline indicating when the risk owner expects the risk assignee to complete and resolve the issue. Click to select a date.

    Type of Risk. The area the risk relates to: Cost. Quality, Technical, Resource, Performance, Schedule, Benefits, Manufacturability, Other.

    Probability. An estimate of how likely it is that the risk will occur. Values are 1-Rare, 2-Unlikely, 3-Possible, 4-Likely, and 5-Almost Certain. The default is 1.

    Impact. An estimate of the impact the risk will have on the project. Values are 1-Rare, 2-Unlikely, 3-Possible, 4-Likely, and 5-Almost Certain. The default is 1.

    RPN. Risk Priority Number. The system calculates this value by multiplying the Probability value by the Impact value. You cannot edit this field.

    Effective Date. The date the issue takes effect. By default, the current date is entered but you can choose a different date. Click to select a date.

    Status. A brief status of the risk, especially relative to the probability and impact values.

  3. Click OK.