Balancing Workloads Using System Columns in Panel

Using business logic, you can balance systems instead of operations.

The DELPLMSystemOccurrence_IsAStationID business logic enables you to specify which systems you want to be considered as leaf systems, that is, columns in the Workload Balancing bar chart. Their child systems appear as blocks in the bar chart, instead of operations.

See Also
About Workload Balancing
Balancing Workloads on a Selected System
Balancing Workloads Using Operation Columns in Panel
  1. In the \win_b64\resources\knowledge\scripts directory, copy the business logic in the following two files:
    1. DELPPRIsSystemAStation.CATRule
      /*                                DELPPRIsSystemAStation.CATRule														*/
      /*													                         														*/
      /* Input parameters				: A System Occurrence                                  */
      /* Output parameters 			: Integer						                             										*/				
      /*---- INPUT PARAMETERS -----*/Let Status(Boolean)
      Let SystemDescription(String)
      if (ThisObject->HasAttribute("V_description") == true)
          SystemDescription = ThisObject->GetAttributeString("V_description")
           Trace (1, "Description=", SystemDescription)	
          if(0  <=  SystemDescription.Search("STATION", 0, true))  
      		set Status = true
      		set Status = false
      	set Status = false
      if(true == Status)  
         Validation = true
         Parameters.Severity = 0
         Parameters.Message = "System is a Station"
         Trace (1, "System is a Station")
         Validation = false
         Parameters.Severity = 0
         Parameters.Message = "System is not a Station"
    2. DELPPRIsSystemAStation.CATRuleExit
         <Script OpeningID="DELPLMSystemOccurrence_IsAStationID"
      Type="ProdSystemOccurrence" ScriptName="DELPPRIsSystemAStation"/>

    For more information, see Is Workplan/Sytem a Station (DELPLMSystemOccurrence_IsAStationID).

  2. Open your data in Planning Structure.
  3. Right-click a system you want to specify as leaf system, then click Properties .
    The Properties dialog box for the system appears.
  4. In the Description box, enter STATION, then click OK to validate.
  5. Select the parent system, then click Workload Balancing from the Authoring section of the action bar.
    The Workload Balancing panel opens with the bar chart.

Systems specified as STATION appear in the bar chart as columns, and their child systems as blocks. You can balance the child systems by dragging blocks from one column to another.

  • If you specify several systems on different levels as STATION, then the topmost STATION from the root system is considered as the leaf system.
  • The Multi-Cycle option is disabled for systems displayed as blocks.