Checking the Update Status of an Item with B.I. Essentials
You can view the update status of an item with B.I. Essentials. B.I. Essentials computes the status of the selected item and its resulting product.
Checking the Update Status of an Item with B.I. EssentialsYou can view the update status of an item with B.I. Essentials. B.I. Essentials computes the status of the selected item and its resulting product. Checking the Status of the Configuration Effectivity with B.I. Essentials (Item)You can compute the configuration effectivity status with B.I. Essentials, which takes into account Manufactured Items. B.I. Essentials color-codes the object tiles and the objects in the tree according to their configuration effectivity status. Checking the Status of the Configuration Effectivity with B.I. Essentials (System)You can compute the configuration effectivity status with B.I. Essentials, which takes into account Systems and Operations. B.I. Essentials color-codes the object tiles and the objects in the tree according to their configuration effectivity status. |