Properties for CAPA

These properties configure CAPA and Audit Management.

For more information, see Configuring Properties for CAPA.

Properties Name Property Description Valid Values
QIC.Description.MaximumTruncationSize This property is used to define the maximum number of characters of an object's description to display on the CAPA Request page or the CAPA page. The remaining text is truncated. Any integer. For example, 50.
QIC.CAPARequest.AgeEndState This property is used to define the states of a CAPA request to calculate its age. The states are listed in comma separated values. When a CAPA request reaches a defined state, its age is no longer updated. Names of the required states. For example, state_Approved,state_NotApproved.
QIC.CAPARequest.ApprovalDelayThreshold This property is used to specify the threshold value of a CAPA request in number of days. If a CAPA request is in the Requested or the Review state for more days than this threshold value, a red exclamation mark is shown on the CAPA request widget. Any integer. For example, 15.
QIC.CAPARequest.ApprovalDelayWarning This property is used to specify the warning period before the threshold date. The value defined here is the number of days to reach the threshold date. If the number of days a CAPA request is in the Requested or the Review state is in the warning period or the threshold date, a yellow exclamation mark is displayed on the CAPA request widget. Any integer. For example, 7.
QIC.CAPA.YellowThresholdValueInDays This property is used to specify the threshold number of days until the estimated end date. If the number of days until the Estimated End Date of a CAPA is less then this value, a yellow exclamation mark is displayed as a warning. Any integer. For example, 5.
QIC.Description.MaximumTruncationSize=50 This property is used to define the maximum number of characters in the description of an object that is displayed in the CAPA Request or the CAPA page. Any integer. For example, 50.
ProjectMgmtExtensions.Bookmark.DisableAutoContentReplicationFor This property is used to define whether to disable the automatic document revision replication inside the bookmarks of the specified project types. type_DesignProject,type_DesignProjectTemplate,


ProjectMgmtExtensions.Bookmark.ReplaceOlderRevisionOnAdditionOfNewRevisionContentFor This property is used to define whether to replace the older connected revisions of the document when a new revision of the same document is connected to the bookmark of the specified project types. type_DesignProject,type_DesignProjectTemplate,
