LQIAudit.Attribute.AuditFinding.AuditFollowUpRequiredNo |
This property is used to define the additional mandatory attributes that are required for the audit finding if audit follow-up is not required. |
The required attributes. For example, Audit No Follow-Up Rationale . |
LQIAudit.Attribute.AuditFinding.AuditFollowUpRequiredYes |
This property is used to define the additional mandatory attributes that are required for the audit finding if audit follow-up is required. |
The required attributes. For example, Audit Planned Follow-Up Date,Audit Resolution Assigned To,Audit Follow-Up Through Re-Audit . |
LQIAudit.Attribute.AuditFinding.OpenState |
This property is used to define the attributes which are required
to have values while promoting the audit fnding from the Open to Resolution state. |
The required attributes. For example, Audit
Recommendation,Audit Responder,Audit Follow-Up Required,Audit Regulatory
Requirements,Audit Finding Response,Audit Resolution Summary |
LQIAudit.Attribute.AuditFinding.VerifyState |
This property is used to define attributes which are required to
have values while promoting the audit finding from the Verify to Closed state. |
The required attributes. For example, Audit Verified
By,Audit Date Verified |
LQIAudit.AutoCreateApprovalRouteForAudit |
This property is used to define if a route is required between the Final Validation state and the Closed state of audits. The route tasks are assigned to Audit Leads. |
True : A route is created between the Final Validation state and the Closed state of audits.
False : No routes are created between the Final Validation state and the Closed state of audits.
LQIAudit.AutoCreateApprovalRouteForAuditFinding | This property is used to define if a route is required between the Verify state and the Closed state of audit findings. The route tasks are assigned to Audit Leads. | True : A route is created between the Verify state and the Closed state of audit findings.
False : No routes are created between the Verify state and the Closed state of audit findings.
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.Added.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of notifications when
a Lead Auditor is added to an audit. |
Added to member list for Audit ${NAME} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.AuditLeadAdded.MessageBody |
This property is used to define the message body of notifications
when a Lead Auditor is added to an audit. |
You have been added to Lead Auditor for Audit ${NAME}
\nYou can use this URL to open Audit: ${URL} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.Remove.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of notifications when
a Lead Auditor is removed from an audit. |
Removed from member list for Audit
${NAME} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.AuditLeadRemoved.MessageBody |
This property is used to define the message body of notifications
when a Lead Auditor is removed from an audit. |
You have been removed from Lead Auditor for Audit ${NAME}
\nYou can use this URL to open Audit: ${URL} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.Added.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of notifications when
an Auditor is added to an audit. |
Added to member list for Audit ${NAME} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.AuditorAdded.MessageBody |
This property is used to define the message body of notifications
when an Auditor is added to an audit. |
Following user(s) have been added to Auditor's list for
Audit ${NAME}. \n\n ${ADDEDUSER} \n\n You can use this URL to open Audit:
${URL} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.Remove.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of notifications when
an Auditor is removed from an audit. |
Removed from member list for Audit
${NAME} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.AuditorRemoved.MessageBody |
This property is used to define the message body of notifications
when an Auditor is removed from an audit. |
Following user(s) have been removed from Auditor's list
for Audit ${NAME}. \n\n ${REMOVEDUSER} \n\n You can use this URL to open Audit:
${URL} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.Added.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of notifications when
an Auditee is added to an audit. |
Added to member list for Audit ${NAME} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.AuditeesAdded.MessageBody |
This property is used to define the message body of notifications
when an Auditee is added to an audit. |
Following user(s) have been added to Auditee's list for
Audit ${NAME}.\n\n ${ADDEDUSER} \n\n You can use this URL to open |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.Remove.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of notifications when
an Auditee is removed from an audit. |
Removed from member list for Audit
${NAME} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditMemberChange.AuditeesRemoved.MessageBody |
This property is used to define the message body of notifications
when an Auditee is removed from an audit. |
Following user(s) have been removed from Auditee's list
for Audit ${NAME}. \n\n ${REMOVEDUSER} \n\n You can use this URL to open Audit:
${URL} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditStatePromotedToClosed.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of notifications when
an audit is promoted to the Closed state. |
${NAME} has been Closed |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuditStatePromotedToClosed.MessageBody |
This property is used to define the message body of notifications
when an audit is promoted to the Closed state. |
${NAME} has been promoted to Closed state.\n\nYou can use
this link to go to ${NAME}:\n${URL} |
LQIAudit.Mail.FindingStatePromotedToClosed.Subject |
This propety is used to define the subject of the notification
when a finding status attribute value is Open when it is promoted to the Closed
state |
${NAME} has been internally validated |
LQIAudit.Mail.FindingStatePromotedToClosed.MessageBody |
This propety is used to define the message of the notification
when a finding status attribute value is Open when it is promoted to the Closed
state |
${NAME} has been internally validated. You can start
analyzing the findings and can create reply to those. \n\nYou can use this link to
go to ${NAME}:\n${URL} |
LQIAudit.Mail.FindingStatusSSRPromotedToClosed.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of the notification
when a finding status attribute value is SSR when it is promoted to the Closed
state |
${NAME} has been internally validated and
This property is used to define the message body of the
notification when a finding status attribute value is SSR when it is promoted to the
Closed state |
${NAME} has been internally validated and settled. \n\nYou
can use this link to go to ${NAME}:\n${URL} |
LQIAudit.Mail.FindingStatusAttributeChangedToSettled.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of the notification
when finding status attribute value is Settled when it is promoted to the Closed
state. |
${NAME} has been internally validated and
settled |
This property is used to define the subject of the notification
when finding status attribute value is Settled when it is promoted to the Closed
state. |
${NAME} has been internally validated and settled. \n\nYou
can use this link to go to ${NAME}:\n${URL} |
LQIAudit.Mail.LastFindingStatusAttributeChangedToSettled.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of the notification
when a finding status attribute value of last finding status is Settled when it is
promoted to the Closed state |
findings of the ${AUDITTYPE} ${AUDITNAME} have been settled |
LQIAudit.Mail.LastFindingStatusAttributeChangedToSettled.MessageBody |
This property is used to define the subject of the notification
when a finding status attribute value of last finding status is Settled when it is
promoted to the Closed state |
findings of the ${AUDITTYPE}${AUDITNAME} have been settled. \n\nYou can use this
link to go to ${AUDITNAME}:\n${AUDITURL} |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuitFindingStatusStatePromotedToComplete.Recipients |
This property is used to define the list of recipients whom are
received the notification for the given attribute values of finding status when it is
promoted to Closed state. |
Valid values are
Open|All Auditees,SSR|All Auditees,Settled|All Auditees,LastSettled|Lead
Auditor-All Auditees
- All Auditors,All Auditees,Lead Auditor,Audit Owner (hyphen separated values)
are acceptable for each Finding Status attribute value.
This property is used to define the recipients for notification
when an audit reply is promoted to the Complete state. |
Comma separated values. Valid values are All Auditors, All
Auditees, Lead Auditor, Audit Owner, and Audit Finding Owner Default values
are Audit Owner, Audit Finding Owner |
LQIAudit.Mail.AuitReplyStatePromotedToComplete.Subject |
This property is used to define the subject of notifications when
a audit reply is promoted to the Complete state. |
${NAME} has been internally validated and completed
LQIAudit.Mail.AuitReplyStatePromotedToComplete.MessageBody |
This property is used to define the message body of notifications
when a audit reply is promoted to the Complete state. |
${NAME} has been internally validated and promoted to
Complete state. You can start analyzing the reply. \n\nYou can use this link to go
to ${NAME}:\n${URL} |