Name | Name of the CAPA. Click to view its details. |
Status | Status of the CAPA. : CAPA is overdue. : CAPA is due in five days or less. : CAPA is complete.
Type | Type of the CAPA. Possible types are corrective and preventive. |
State | State of the CAPA. Possible states are Preliminary, Ready, In Work, In Review, Complete, Archived. |
Sev. | Severity of the CAPA. |
Title | Title of the CAPA. |
Phase | Current phase of the project. Click to view its details. |
Overdue | Number of days the CAPA is overdue. |
Curr. Phase | Number of days the CAPA is in the current phase. |
Est. Finish | Estimated date of completion of the task. |
Act. Finish | Actual date of completion of the task. |
Created | Date when the CAPA was created. |
Program | Program with which the CAPA is associated. |
Project Owner | Name of the CAPA owner. |