Viewing Audits

You can use this procedure to view the My Audits page. The My Audits page provides a summary view of all the active audits and the associated findings. Users that have an Audit Admin role can see the active audits, and other users can see the active audits in which they are either the owner or an audit member.

  1. From the CAPA & Audit Home Page, click Audits > My Audits.
    The My Audits page displays the following information for each audit:
    • Name - The audit name assigned by the system.
    • Type - The type of the object.
    • Revision - The revision of the audit.
    • Description - Additional information about the audit.
    • Total Findings - The total number of findings for the audit.
    • Unresolved Findings - The total number of unresolved findings.
    • Actual Schedule Date - The date the audit began.
    • Audit Location - The location of the audit.
    • Scope - The areas of focus for the audit.
    • State - The current lifecycle state of the audit.
    • Lead Auditor - The user coordinating the audit process.
    • Owner- Owner of the audit.
    • (New Window) - View the page of the object in a separate window.
  2. Use the page Actions menu or Tollbar commands to access the following options:

    Column Name Description
    • Delete - Deletes the selected audit.
    • Complete Delete - Deletes the complete structure of the selected audit.
    Create Audit Creates an audit. For more information, see Creating an Audit.
    State Filter
    • All - Lists all the audits.
    • Active -Lists the audits that are not closed. By default, all the audits are listed that are in the Active state.
    • Closed - Lists the audits that are in the Closed state.
    Revision Filter
    • All Revisions - Lists all the audit revisions.
    • Current Revisions - Lists the latest revisions of the audit. By default, all the current revisions of the audits are listed.
    Expand Rich Text Fields Expands the rich text field for the selected audit. You can use all the Rich Text options for the Description field.
    Enable Edit / Disable Edit Toggles between edit and view mode. In the edit mode, you can edit the description of the selected audit using the rich text options. You can also edit the status of the selected audit finding.