Viewing My Findings

You can view a list of all the findings you own. Any Audit user can perform this procedure.

Before you begin: Log into the system as an authorized Audit user.
  1. From the home page, click Audits > My Findings.
    The My Findings page displays the following information:
    • Type - The type of audit finding.
    • Name - The auto-generated audit finding name assigned by the system. Click the name link to view the Properties page for the finding.
    • Role - Your role for the finding.
    • Revision - The version of the finding.
    • State - The current lifecycle state of the finding.
    • Description - Additional information about the finding.
    • Owner - Owner of the finding.
    • (New Window) - View the page for the object in a separate window.
  2. Use the page Actions menu or Toolbar commands to access the following options:

    Column Name Description
    Actions Expand the CAPA option to access one of the following:
    • Create CAPA Request - Creates a CAPA request for the selected audit finding. For more information, see Creating a CAPA Request.
    • Add Existing CAPA - Adds the existing CAPA to the selected audit finding.
    • Create CAPA - Creates a CAPA for the selected audit finding. For more information, see Creating a CAPA.
    Revision Filter
    • All Revisions - Lists all the audit revisions.
    • Current Revisions - Lists the latest revisions of the audit. By default, all the current revisions of the audits are listed.
    State Filter
    • All Findings - Lists all the audit findings.
    • Open -Lists the audit findingss that are in the Open state.
    • Resolution - Lists the audits findinfs that are in the Resolution state.
    • Verify - Lists the audit findings that are verfied.