Creating a Reply

You can create a reply for a specific finding status that is in the Closed state. Only one reply can be created for the finding status.

Before you begin: You can now create a reply using the Create Reply option if mentioned below conditions are completed. Also the Create Reply option is not available if these conditions are not completed.
  • If the audited organization is selected for the context audit and the user which is used to create a reply is added to the same organization.
  • The current revision of the finding status is in the Closed state.
  • The value for the context finding status is the Open.
  • A reply is not connected to the context finding status.
  1. View the list of findings status. For more information, see Finding Status.
  2. Select a finding status and from the page toolbar, click Create Reply .
  3. Enter these details:

    Field Name Description
    Type Select the type of reply or its subtype. When you select the subtype, the custom attributes that are added to the selected subtype are listed in the Custom Attributes section of the page.

    Note: You can create a subtype for the context object using the Data Model Customization app. For more information, see Installation and Setup | Customize | 3DEXPERIENCE Platform | 3DSpace Data Model | Data Model Customization | Specialize Data Model | Specialization Types | Creating, Editing and Deleting a Specialization Type

    Description Type the description for the reply. You can also use the rich-text options to add the description that are present in the box.
    Source Of Reply Type the reply source.
    Comments Type the comments that are provides additional details about the reply.
    External Reference Type the details about external information, which is not covered in the audit system.

  4. Click Done.

A reply is created and listed in the Finding Status page.