From the Surface Reconstruction section of the action bar, click Segmentation by Curvature.
Select the mesh to analyze.
Edit the Influent Radius.
The initial value is 1/100 of the diagonal of the bounding box.
For each vertex, this radius defines a sphere centered on this vertex.
All vertices and edges inside this sphere influence the resulting
curvature value at this vertex.
If the influent radius is small, the
result is noisy,
If it is large, the curvature is smoothed.
Select the type of analysis, then the type of calculation from the lists.
Sweep the mesh with the pointer to see the values of curvature or radius (Helpful to retrieve
the value of fillets).
Click the mesh to display Scans.
Combine the types of
analysis and the value in the top spinner box to display scans.
Use the Filter spinner to remove unwanted points.
Optional: Click Curvature Mapping to display a temporary one.
Use the slider to influence the color repartition by modifying the
Alpha parameter; it represents the percentage of maximum value
(Blue is used only if negative values are found).
Select the Results options.
The result is created:
As Scans, either Distinct or Grouped: Scans.x elements.
Or Clouds , that are submeshes, SubMesh.x
elements. Surfaces can then be recovered from those meshes.