Creating the First Node of a Route

You can create the first node of a route from a port or along a surface.

Before you begin: Set the expected route properties under Context in the Data Info Panel. For more information, see Defining a Context from an Object
  1. From the Fluid Design section of the action bar, click Create Route .
    You switch to the Electrical Raceway 3D Part Design app.
  2. In the First Node panel, select the options of your choice.
    Use Selection Data

    Do not get data from selection: the properties of the route remain the same.

    Get data from selection: the properties of the route are modified according to the properties of the selected port.

    Note: In case of parametric part or route, see Parametric Parts for more information about the expected behavior.
    Selection Type

    Pick Port from selection: the port routing is automatically launched.

    Pick Surface from selection: the routing on surface command is automatically launched.

    Note: This option is used when you select an item of equipment to route from port or along a surface due to the size of equipment.
    Selection Mode

    Automatically select nearest port: the nearest port is automatically selected.

    Select port manually: all the ports are displayed to let you choose the port of your choice from which you want to start routing.

    • If you select Pick Port From Selection :
      1. Select a part or an item of equipment.

        Ports are highlighted.

      2. Select a port.

        The manipulator appears with the Length Manipulator highlighted and the Length Manipulator panel appears. You can start creating the route.

    • If you select Pick Surface From Selection , select any surface to start routing along a surface. You can also select the surface of a part or an item of equipment. The Route along Surface command is activated.

      For more information, see Routing along a Surface.

    The route is created with the first compatible properties. If you want to change the properties, you can use the Data Information Panel.