Creating an Adaptive Follow-up Surface Rebar Layer
In this step you will create an adaptive follow-up surface rebar layer.
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In the Rebar Creation dialog box, click Define by type.
From the Search Results window, select the Simple bar (Adaptive FS) rebar profile.
A preview of the bars is displayed.
Select the upper face of the pier.
By default the support layer relimiting surface, identified in pink is automatically proposed. A specific flag allows you to add extra relimiting surfaces.
In the Layer Support, click Add/Remove to add two relimiting surfaces sequentially.
Edit the existing linear pattern by clicking the Pattern tab, and clicking Edit.
The Linear Pattern dialog box along with the Patterning flags appear.
In the Count box, change the bar number from 6 to 16, and click
The Linear Pattern dialog box closes and the
Rebar Creation dialog box reflects the changes.
Edit the bar diameter.
Change the configuration table associated to the object type to HA16.