In this step you will create an adaptive rebar layer with limit planes. You will first select the
predefined profile, select planes instead of relimiting surfaces to comply with the rebar template, and modify the radius value for all bends at a time.
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In the Rebar Creation dialog box, click Define by type.
From the Search Results window, select the Frame 1 (Adaptive LP) rebar profile type.
A preview of the bars is displayed.
Select the upper pier's face.
By default relimiting surfaces are automatically proposed. Each relimiting surface is identified by a specific color and a dedicated flag that provides more options.
In our case, select planes instead of surfaces with the help of the dedicated flags.
Select the first side ( colored in green) and create a plane that replaces the relimiting surface clicking .
Click Exit in the context toolbar.
Repeat the operation for the second side ( colored in yellow).
Replace relimiting surfaces by planes for both the layer support ( colored in pink) and the cap surface ( identified in dark blue) respectively, clicking Replace) in the dedicated flags.
Click Apply to generate the bars of the rebar layer.
Click the Bend tab, and modify the default radius for all bends.
Enter 82 mm as default radius.
Click Apply.
The bends are automatically updated.
You created
an adaptive rebar layer with limit planes.